Calm and peaceful life attitude

Kay 2022-07-05 22:04:39

The "god", "qi", "posture" and "state", which are calm and confident,
seem to be immersed in their own world and make everyone who sees him unconvinced and happy.
Henry Fonda's young Lincoln reveals this kind of special Temperament, which
I have never seen in any other movie image.

Lincoln's composure and serenity stemmed from his love for life and truth, his persistence in dreams, and his firmness in belief, and it was also a kind of mature fearlessness.
The death of his mother, his sister, his beloved girl, made nothing in the world to frighten him. Since he can afford everything, then realizing justice and fighting for human rights, these ideals that make his heart tremble, will be realized at any cost.
The simple, kind and strong stalwart who grew up in the countryside and nature, not only can not panic in front of the wood hitting the door, but also find the right time to subvert the case in the chaotic court.
The script isn't amazing, but Lincoln's composure in all the chaotic situations (heavy and cluttered) is unforgettable, as if his composure through time and order is unforgettable.

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Extended Reading

Young Mr. Lincoln quotes

  • Judge Herbert A. Bell: Jack-ass. Haha. I do got it!

    [audience roars in laughter]

  • Judge Herbert A. Bell: Come, come, gentlemen. You've got to give the boys a fair trial - a jury trial - before ou hang 'em.