Why did the chip explode? Under what circumstances will it explode?

Johnathan 2022-09-21 18:26:21

I do not understand. Did not understand. There is confusion in both the editing and the footage. Let's rant

Want to immigrate to town for a change of status?

So you need to install a chip?

Are you going to live in town after installation? What do you all live on? (I thought it was a drug town)

What is the chip for?

Why did the chip explode? Under what circumstances will it explode?

Does the hero have amnesia? Why didn't he know he had a chip installed? Why didn't his chip explode?

Too many bugs. It looks distracting

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Wander quotes

  • Arthur Bretnik: None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

  • Arthur Bretnik: All right, Thought Junctioneers. Think about it. You're going to work five days a week. You're working 80 hours a week and you're bringing home 40% of your paycheck. I wanna know where the money is.There's tunnels, there's bunkers underneath this earth. They have every bit of, uh, technological modus operandi. And yet you can't even put gas in the car.

    Jimmy Cleats: That's what they do. Slip it in real slow, take advantage of our inherent suggestibility. It's called, "Incrementalism."