I hope she's alive, Elizabeth Five

Kiana 2022-10-17 17:11:15

I was happy and relieved to see Elizabeth 5 and run out over Elizabeth 6. She was finally free, she could breathe the air outside, she could be her own, and she could take control of her own life.

Seeing her being shot and vomiting blood, trying to open the door where she failed so many times, I want to cry, I don't know if she will survive in the end, after all she is so seriously injured

She finally opened the door, pushed open the door, walked out of the door, breathed the outside air, and touched freedom

The moment the gunshots sounded like my heart was broken, I can't believe she just died like this, why did she kill her! Isn't she just like her, why kill her

She defeated Henry with difficulty, luckily avoided Claire, and finally Oliver couldn't imprison her, but died under the gun of "her"

In order to hide from the world, can only one Elizabeth survive?

I don't know if I missed something

It's just number five, it really hurts

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Extended Reading

Elizabeth Harvest quotes

  • Claire: We are defined by the choices we make.

  • [first lines]

    Elizabeth: [narrating] I dreamt I would meet a brilliant man. I would steal his breath away. And he in turn would steal me away from everything ugly into a secret world of our own.