Thank you for the crazy dreams you gave me when I was 7 years old

Hillary 2022-12-08 02:12:37

○ DW only watched the fifth season

The doctor said that Amelia Pond was like a name in a fairy tale, but he may not know that meeting him was a fairy tale for the little girl named Amelia. On that Christmas Eve, the blue Tardis fell from the sky like hearing a little girl's wish, the new Eleventh Doctor met the first human, and the brave Amelia Pond also received her Christmas gift in advance.

Some people might think it's not a great gift if they've seen Amy's tears.

In the wartime command post in London, Amy said to the scientist made by Dalek technology: We always fall in love with someone we shouldn't, and that makes us sad...but that's good sadness.

In the spaceship surrounded by weeping angels, the doctor told Amy that he would be back soon, and Amy replied aggrievedly: You always say that. Because the last PhD was 12 years late.

In the underground world of the lizardmen, Rory was sucked into the crack of time, Amy lost his beloved fiancé and all the memories of him, but he could only wipe away the tears he shed unconsciously, the Doctor who knew everything. Guiltily kept silent.

You, the 904-year-old doctor, are like that space whale, kind and old, sailing alone in the sea of ​​time as the last of the race, and Amy is just a human girl, the little girl in her heart will grow up one day , she will finally face her own life, face her wedding the next morning, choose between the thrill of time travel and the comfort of the English countryside.

The more Amy loves you and marvels at this wonderful but precarious adventure, the harder it is to make a choice. But will she regret it? Of course not, just like you asked her if it was worth waiting for you all night when she was 7 years old, she will definitely shut you up.

It was you who took her to travel through space, to see the British spaceship of the future, it was you who took her to complete Van Gogh's regret, took her to defeat the vampires of the 16th century, and you gave the little girl in the big empty house a wonderful friend . It's a journey of growing up and a journey of separation, but Amelia Pond is a smart girl, she knows, and you've told her over and over, that memory is what matters, no matter the outcome, no matter who goes first , as long as the memory lasts, those people and things will live forever.

Amy will say that your presence is the best Christmas present she has ever received.

So despite the 7-year-old waiting in the garden all night, despite the psychiatrist telling her that you don't exist for twelve years, everyone treats you as her fantasy, despite the loneliness, heartbreak, fear, and Sad, Amy Pond will not forget you either. She's brave, determined, and wise, and she'll save you from all the black holes of time, from all the oblivion, just like the first night.

So give the little girl who's been waiting for you some reward, tell her a bedside story about Tardis, kiss her on the forehead, bring her happy life back from the crack of time, and don't be late for her wedding.

The most important thing, don't forget, you must go back to her, as you have promised countless times.

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Extended Reading

The Eleventh Hour quotes

  • Mrs Angelo: I like Patrick Moore!

    The Doctor: I'll get you his number, but watch him - he's a devil!

  • The Doctor: [the Doctor has transmitted the reset virus to everyone in the conference call, and asked them to ensure it is passed on] Any questions?

    Patrick Moore: Who's your lady friend?

    The Doctor: Patrick - behave!