[Story Summary]

Buddy 2022-12-12 06:08:12

The male protagonist, Isaac, photographed alien spaceships and aliens by coincidence, but unexpectedly, Isaac was sucked into the spaceship by aliens for human transformation. After returning to human society, Isaac uploaded the pictures he took to the Internet and claimed that he had seen aliens. But people don't believe it and ridicule Isaac for cheating to gain attention. In order to prove the truth, Isaac, who has repeatedly insisted on the truth, attracted the attention of the ISRP (International Space Research Program) organization, but put himself in danger.

In order to find out what happened to his body after being transformed, Isaac and Sara, who had also seen aliens, and Zed, a hacker who was interested in aliens, embarked on a journey to find aliens. On the way, the ISRP constantly dispatched robots and troops to hunt down the aliens based on the chips implanted in Isaac's body.

When Isaac was working at NASA, he intercepted an unknown signal. After getting rid of ISRP's pursuit, everyone came to the house of a man named Carl and handed the signal to Carl. Carl has been studying alien communication signals for more than 20 years and has developed a translator. Then everyone knew from this unknown signal that the aliens would arrive at Carl's home in 48 hours.

On that day, the aliens arrived as scheduled, took out the chip of Isaac's body, and asked them a question, who is the most radiant human in history. The ISRP then pursued the scene and shot Carl and Sarah innocently. Isaac has long been secretly in love with his teammate Sara, who was on the run from the ISRP chase along the way. Seeing that Sarah was shot, Isaac accidentally activated the transformation power left by the aliens in his anger, successfully rescued all his teammates, and got rid of ISRP's pursuit completely through the alien spaceship... ...

[Evaluation]: The early plot is relatively sci-fi, and the plot including the transformation of the body in the early stage of the story is more reasonable, and the plot is fascinating. After embarking on the journey to find aliens in the middle and late stages, the character settings are rather strange, including the invincible hacker Zed, and the old man Karl who is almost omnipotent to physical basic signals and hardware. Introduced more unrealistic character backgrounds, which caused the later stage to be a bit out of reality. At the same time, after the appearance of the aliens, the content is also very boring, there is no novelty and sci-fi sense of the previous stage, and it is a bit top-heavy. This is also the reason for the low rating of this film. It is not recommended for sci-fi fans to watch it, and it is easy to be disappointed.

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