multiple personalities

Rickey 2022-07-05 20:54:34

Multiple personalities, this movie explains it really well, because childhood trauma splits into multiple personalities, doctors will make recommendations and treatment plans, but doctors are doctors after all, and can only step by step from the patient's performance and occasional words. Understand the patient's split personality. It is even more difficult to fully return to the main character. It requires the guidance of the doctor, the support of the family, the right time, and more importantly, the patient's self-acceptance (please allow me to express this). Fortunately, Eve's split personality left in the end. Similarly, it was also lucky that they came to help a six-year-old child survive when Eve needed it.

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The Three Faces of Eve quotes

  • Eve White: I didn't do it. I'd die before I'd hurt Bonnie.

    Dr. Luther: Why do you suppose Ralph says those things if they aren't true?

  • Jane: It's not you marrying me. It's me marrying anybody. I'm sick. I am mentally sick, and I can't marry anybody, ever.