Season 8 - An Attempt with Success and Failure

Reinhold 2022-09-10 01:39:29

Compared to previous seasons, this season is innovative in many ways. Although these attempts are not all successful, their spirit is commendable. After all, DW is an unfinished drama, and it is difficult to continue to attract the attention of the audience without making some changes.
[Character Setting - Doctor] In
the eighth season, Uncle Pika brought many new characteristics to the character of the Doctor. As a rational person, I can't love Uncle 12 more.
Decisive and rational: 12th's way of thinking is noticeably more rational than his newer predecessors. When faced with danger, the 12th's first reaction is not to comfort those around him, but to find a way out of the predicament. Because of this, many people feel that 12 is dark and indifferent. Personally, it is difficult to understand. Does it mean that when you meet a dead person, you cry out loud, shouting "I'm sorry" while wasting all the limited time and dying a few more people to reflect the kindness of the Doctor. ? Throughout the eighth season, the Doctor tried to save all the people he could save, except for the chef at 808 (to be honest, the Doctor didn't know the result of continuing to call), and didn't let a person who shouldn't have died. Not respecting life?
Sincerity: Compared to 11th taking Doctor lies as rule 1, 12th is more outspoken. Is this related to staying in the field of truth for a long time?
Simplicity: quite a lot of time... just three years old.
Responsible: The 12th is really brave. Not only in his fearlessness during the adventure, but in his willingness to be the one who made the choice and bear all the consequences. The 802 and 808 are good examples. In short, in reality, I admire such people very much.
12th is indeed not as lively and friendly as his predecessors, and his emotions are exposed. He hides more emotions under the surface. 12th is clearly positioned as a growth character, and the character shown by the Doctor in the last few episodes of the eighth season and the first few episodes has changed a lot. I have to admire Uncle Pika's acting skills, and he played such a character with a restrained and complex personality quite well. For example, 12th never mentioned that he is lonely, but you can feel the fear of loneliness and the strong desire for companionship in his heart. The Doctor's character will also change in the ninth season. It would be better if Uncle 12 could be more sunny.
And, who did Uncle Pika offend? The eighth season promotional poster actually chose such a photo. And the DVD cover for season 8... I laughed silly the first time I saw it.

[Character Setting—Clara] In
the eighth season, Clara became the first protagonist. The status of the companions in the past is not low, but it is the first time to tell the story from the perspective of the companions. However, this attempt apparently did not receive much approval.
After watching it for over a season and a half, I still don't know what kind of character this character is. Because her character is completely in the service of the plot.
Clara herself has no flaws, she is smart, capable, young and beautiful, and Jenna's acting is also great. But for the sake of dramatic conflict, just adding a Control Freak attribute to Clara was a bit annoying. In the first few episodes of this season, Clara was pretty normal, and there was nothing wrong with the Doctor, but after Danny showed up... Can Clara be any better? At the end I didn't understand whether she wanted to choose Doctor or Danny.
Not a nuisance to Clara, she's a lovely, smart, powerful companion when she's not sharp. I just hope that Clara's character in the ninth season can be a little more stable. Even if Clara may be controlled by the Master, the rationality of this character is always necessary.

[Character Setting - Danny Pink]
If you do a "vote for your most hated new DW main character", Brother Pink will definitely be elected with a high vote. Whether at home or abroad, so far I have not seen a comment expressing liking Fan Ge.
The only two functions of Fan Ge's existence this season are to block and explode. As a human being, Brother Fan has shown an extraordinary lack of curiosity, watching his girlfriend and an alien geek running around every day and being indifferent, dying because of a small problem and entanglement with the Doctor, plus that With an expressionless face most of the time, I really can't see what Clara likes about Brother Fan.
Fortunately, the ending of Fan Ge in Last Christmas is still good. There are many fans on the Internet claiming that if Brother Fan comes back, he will give up the drama immediately, for the sake of DW's ratings, dear Fan Brother, rest in peace, please don't come back.

【Character Setting—Missy】
Hey Missy you're so fine, you so fine you blow my mind.
Mute really practiced his brain hole - TL rebirth.
Missy was the first DW villain I fell in love with. Missy inherited the crazy character of the Simm version of the Master, but lost a little bit of unreasonable neurotic atmosphere, perfectly combining absurdity and ruthlessness, killing a unique way among a bunch of masked female villains created by Magic.
Little is known about Missy, and Aunt Gomez, who plays the role, also revealed that Missy has more sinister plans in the follow-up series. Expected value MAX.

[Emotional mainline—Doctor/Clara/Pink]
The emotional mainline of the eighth season continues the love triangle style of the 10th and 11th periods. I don’t understand why the screenwriters like the game of choosing between two males. The two male animals are together. It's just that Ansheng can't live?
12th→Clara: There is no doubt that the deepest feelings
in the new version of DW After Rory, the 12th refreshes the highest value of male DW male characters' boyfriends again. Except for the apparent age difference of 2 times and the actual age difference of 100 times, the 12th is almost nothing! lack! point!
Ladies, if you can meet a man who has a healthy lifestyle and a first-class body, loves sports, has a house and a car, likes to travel, is knowledgeable, has a strong personality, and has outstanding leadership skills. , take your name as a mantra, trust you so much, give you all the keys to the house, be indifferent to others, be kind to you, don't have to worry about derailment at all, forgive all your faults and even betrayal in one second, When you encounter difficulties, I will come to comfort you and help you as soon as possible. I don't care about any changes in your appearance. For you, I will kill people and go undercover to rob a bank. I will go through hell in a dream... Forget it, stop dreaming.
According to complete statistics, the 12th called Clara 145 times in the 12 episodes of the eighth season and the Christmas special.
I am curious to see how much the Doctor can survive next.

Clara→Doctor: Love and hate sour
As a companion who has seen all the Doctors, Clara, who should be no longer a stranger to rebirth, took a whole season to accept the reality. For half of the season, Clara trusts the Doctor very much, and the two often cooperate with each other at a divine level. For the other half of the season, Clara has the utmost distrust of the Doctor. What she has done can be listed in a list, titled "How to Hurt a Time Lord" . And the seamless switching between the two opposing emotions is often unpredictable.
After seeing the 12th's aggrieved face too much, my heart throbbed for him.

In all Doctor/Companion relationships, 12C is the first to have the dominant power in the hands of Companion. The idea is very good, but there is really no need to develop the ambiguous friendship now. If it weren't for the age difference, which drama would the last scene of Last Christmas be in? It's all the rhythm of rolling the sheets in the next second. I really don't want to watch 10th/Rose's bloody romance again.

Danny/Clara: Love is so capricious . The
screenwriter told us that in the face of true love, there is no similarity between the two personalities, no chemical reaction, people who never tell the truth when they meet, and who know nothing about each other's life experience, don't need it For any reason, directly develop a strong relationship comparable to Amy/Rory.
Love can be so capricious.

Doctor/Danny: .....
One day the Doctor suddenly started hating soldiers. So he used the map artillery technique to scan Danny, who was teaching mathematics in a middle school on Earth, with great precision.
Not to be outdone, Danny turned on the "taunting counterattack" skill and vowed to fight the Doctor to the end. Even if the other party is a suspected future father-in-law, he will not let go.
So the two of them really went from the sun to the underworld, and then to the dream.
...could it be any more stupid...

Fortunately, this love triangle ended completely in the eighth season, and like the previous seasons, the ninth season can finally get down to business.

【Plot main line】
The plot line setting of season 8 innovatively mixes the dark line style of seasons 1-4 and the bright line style of seasons 5-7. The Promised Land is like a crack to brush its presence from time to time, and probably the final outcome is not as simple as the crack. Others, like Doctor character development, are basically hinted at with details.
A more interesting point is the 804. Since Clara is not pregnant, then this Orsan Pink is very likely to be the foreshadowing of future plots. Maybe he has something to do with the face bumper?
In the end, the Ascension of Cybermen blew up this scene. But how do you see it here, there is a feeling that a large game has just passed the first level. Waiting for the next season or the next season to release Curry Star's ultimate move, everyone still remembers the 50th anniversary pit.

[Special effect sound effects]
It is earth-shattering.

Although this season's attempt to make a companion as the protagonist basically failed. But I love the changes other than Clara and Pink. Still have to give five stars to Doctor and missy.
Congratulations to Magic for getting OBE, I hope to innovate more in the plot in the future, don't overplay the emotional line, it is rare to have a protagonist who does not follow the romantic hero line and can concentrate on fighting monsters, repeating it again is no different from the first seven seasons The family social ethics plot is too wasteful of characters.

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Deep Breath quotes

  • The Doctor: [points to his eyebrows] Look at the eyebrows! These are attack eyebrows. You could take bottle tops off with these!

  • The Doctor: [holding menu] Ah, no sausages. And there's no pictures, either. Do you have a children's menu? Any specials?

    Waiter: [scanning The Doctor] Liver.

    The Doctor: I don't like liver.

    Waiter: Spleen. Brain stem. Eyes.

    Clara: Hmm... Is there a lot of demand for those?

    The Doctor: I don't think that's what's on the menu. I think we are the menu.

    Waiter: [scanning Clara] Lungs. Skin.