This movie is for you to laugh

Benjamin 2022-07-11 23:42:45

The most regrettable thing is that I did not know what the theme and content of "Love Storm" in the film (in fact, I am also very interested in the deciphering of the two-minute visual process), maybe it is nothing more than involving homosexuality and heterosexuality. love position and concept. But I feel like that's what the film should focus on, of course, I mean, if I were a director or a screenwriter, I wouldn't limit it to inspiring students to believe in success or just to clarify that porn movies are also From the point of view of the film, but I do not deny that the film still mentions the gap between business and art, and this is only more convincing when it comes to pornographic films: you can choose to be a high-level artist, or rely on it to make a living. It's just that you and I are not Paul Anderson. He can embellish art with eroticism, bring art back to life, and then rely on art to eat, although for him, under this obsession, eating may not be that important.

But in fact, we don't have to be so serious, you and I can choose to laugh it off, because this film is for you to laugh.

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I Want Candy quotes

  • Doug: ... if you're looking for Angeline, she's next door.. oh, but I should warn ya, she usta be a bloke...

  • Joe Clarke: Dad Vlad, Vlad Dad.