great anthropology

Janelle 2022-11-21 17:34:18

I watched this documentary because of the assignments for babies, an anthropology of infant. This course mainly explores the main problems of infants from an anthropological perspective. The question of looking at the former teachers is, who are those subjects who are concerned with babies, is it a common concept of what babies are, how do we care for babies, how do we communicate with babies, why do we do that, these activities are in different cultures Is it the same, is it the same between the same culture, these reflect, Personhood, kinship, reproduction, religion, morality, political economy, etc.

The film uses a purely observational approach to show the baby's world. Africa and Mongolia, which are closer to nature, and the United States and Japan, which are more urbanized, show different levels of infant parenting from birth, breastfeeding, bathing, sleeping, companionship, play, contact with nature, and early education.

This film is a very good anthropological material, there may be no good or bad, each culture and method has its own characteristics, such as taking a bath, some hugging and washing together, some washing in a basin, some directly licking or Wipe with breast milk. Children have been forming an individual who is suitable for their own social culture since they are not born, which is very consistent with social constructionism and cultural relativity.

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