Babies: The furthest corner of the world

Martina 2022-12-25 09:20:30

After having children, it is easy to forget the feelings of not having children. I don't know if Babies is a good watch for singles or people without kids, but it's definitely recommended for parents or soon-to-be parents. Four children - scattered in almost the four farthest corners of the world - Namibia, Mongolia, Japan and the United States, from their birth, growth and babbling in a documentary about the oldest on the planet Also the most basic warmth.

How different is the life of children. Hattie in San Francisco was born with countless toys and aids, while Ponijiao in Namibia's toys were ants, mud and mother's breasts on the ground. Mongolia's Bayar bathes with a cow and sleeps with a chicken watching, while Japan's Mari has her mother writing her name on a small footboard with a brush. This difference makes me feel that this film is not so much a documentary of children's growth, but more of a documentary of earth culture; it is hard to imagine that there will be such a big difference between people on this vast planet before I see it; those The extreme contrast, throwing away our stereotypes about something, looks so cute on camera. There is no sanitation or unsanitary, no health or unhealthy, no civilization or uncivilization; they are just a kind of culture, just a kind of the earth, and these children who have accepted these cultures from birth are the most precious wealth of the earth in the future .

Documentary filming is very simple, it can even be said to be very bland. There is no dialogue, no narration, the only driving force is the smiling faces of the four children and the amusing details. Looking at these cute babies, I can't help but think of how I came here when I was a child: fighting with older children, crying when I can't grab anything - even though it's just an empty plastic bottle. So small that even big dogs and big cats disdain your teasing, languidly turning a blind eye on the side, small enough to poked a stick into a hole is a huge victory, not to mention finally being able to walk upright successfully - that is simply A battle. That's why a film with little plot or suspense is welcome: Babies are the most loving and beautiful thing on the planet, and love is the same whether in the impoverished jungles of Namibia or the vast Mongolian grasslands of Amano of.

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