Keep Diggin'...

Trevor 2022-07-14 19:13:22

I think this is probably the only drama after Friends that bothers me.
Even if it takes two or three weeks to watch an episode, even if it is an unclear version downloaded from the Internet, even if it is Chinese subtitles with one idea for a while, I still can't help but think about it.
Beautiful rumors stem from endless deaths, sex, and cats.
It is a little painful to endure such a cruel picture, but such passion and bloody truth make people secretly yearn for it while avoiding taboos.
It's as crazy as The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, only prettier.
ps Courteney Cox completely confirmed a line from Monica in Friends: I don't get older, I just get better.

I sincerely hope that I can buy a set when it is published.

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