red shadow

Rickey 2022-09-17 12:17:07

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has been gone for 24 years, and the merits and demerits are still unresolved. Most people born in the post-90s only stay in the history textbooks and think it is a distant past. Its influence is still continuing to this day. Through the only light left by this red figure on the screen, I am fortunate to be able to look back at this most far-reaching social attempt in the past few hundred years from some small aspects.

Born in a socialist country, everyone should have some understanding of the "nationwide system" of sports. The "nationwide system" of sports in China is learned from the former Soviet Union. Under this system, the government manages sports affairs and allocates sports resources by administrative means. , all with the national interest as the highest criterion. The team in "Red Army Hockey Team" is a typical product under the national system. During the Cold War, sports events were also full of Cold War connotations. After winning several international sports competition awards (including two Olympic champions) with his skillful ball skills, he fought bloody, The members of the Red Army ice hockey team who returned to their hometowns were hugely sought after in the Soviet Union as collective heroes, inspiring a generation of Soviet people. In the peak of prosperity, the system does not allow failures (especially at the hands of the United States). In order to maintain a high level of technology, the Red Army ice hockey team members lost most of their freedom, and almost all year round in high-intensity closure type training. Years of hard work and day-to-day training have allowed the players to form their own unique tacit understanding. Fedisov's "Red Army Five Tigers" have become the unbreakable core of the ice hockey team. The Red Army Five Tigers are famous in the world of football. , even in Europe and the United States also became famous and flourished for a while.

However, with the gradual exposure of the problems of the Soviet system, the political situation became tense, and the economy was on the verge of collapse. By the end of the 1980s, the Soviet government had been unable to support the "national system" sports model with huge expenditure. The attitude (to join a foreign club) was ambiguous. On the one hand, the team could no longer provide sufficient funds economically, and on the other hand, the Soviet government was reluctant to let those sports players who were once national heroes flow out. In such an era, Captain Fedisov, who was planning to play for the American team to improve his living standard, was greatly restrained. The country encouraged individuals to stay with rogue-like patriotic preaching, and the temptation of developed Western material conditions also Let those outstanding athletes dream about. Individual happiness and collectivist honor, Fetisov, caught in the era, is struggling to pursue his own happiness. Under the white terror, the KGB listed it as a key monitoring target, and the Minister of Defense even threatened it face-to-face. At this time, the national hero who pursued personal happiness has completely become a national traitor who is crossing the street.

In the end, Fedisov, the core of the Five Tigers of the Red Army, still got the freedom to go to the West, but after arriving in the West, his life was not satisfactory. chill. Behind is the motherland that cannot be returned, and the front is the indifferent capitalist world. The exiled former Soviet athletes such as Fedisov can only survive in confusion. The only advantage is that their living conditions have been greatly improved. What a strange fate. In the end, most of the Red Army's five tigers met in the West and were reintegrated into the same team. The tacit understanding of the year burned in the Western arena, and these former Soviet Union players were reborn in the Western competition arena. At this time, Russia under Yeltsin, like a dirty prostitute, took off the red marks of the sickle and hammer on his forehead, and opened his legs to money.

More than ten years later, Russia under Putin's rule began to recover. Players who had been away from the motherland for many years began to look forward to the motherland again. At this time, the call of the motherland was heard, and Fetisov, who was recalled to the country, was recalled by Putin. Appointed as Minister of Sports, began his political career. (a bit sarcastic)

The political and cultural changes of the entire Soviet Union are reflected in this small national ice hockey team. The relationship between politics and sports is subtle but inseparable. This documentary shows very full things, including the team spirit of the players and the The passion of sports itself, not to mention the spirit of personal resistance in the great era, the system and social culture, brilliance and deification, oppression and resistance, confusion and nostalgia, are perfectly integrated in this short but epic documentary. exchange.

In fact, the above text is an introduction written on the public platform. When I watch the film, I always think of Tarkovsky, who was also exiled. Many talented Soviet people in that era were persecuted in one way or another. After escaping, they faced confusion and endless nostalgia. Nostalgia is the temperament and grave of the Russians, and confusion may come from the disorder after re-positioning of values. It is a unique story in a unique era, but it is not uncommon. What is consistent is the fascinating love of hometown of this extreme northern nation. with depression.

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Red Army quotes

  • (voice): When you die, this is gonna be your legacy.

    Viacheslav Fetisov: [Taking phone out] I know and I appreciate it. You're a good guy. I'm lucky to have you.

    (voice): I think we're both lucky to have each other.

    Viacheslav Fetisov: [Not paying attention, calling on phone] That's even better. California boy and good guy.

    (voice): Chicago.

  • Buddha, Indian Prince, founder of Buddhism (563 BC - 483 BC): Three things cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the truth.