Doesn't anyone think that the pilot is pressing hard?

Spencer 2021-10-13 13:06:06

Recently in life, I can always hear people mention pilots on various occasions, and I don’t know why, I just take it as a coincidence. As a result, while watching this movie, the pilot's car was driven by the hero's father and it crashed. He directly rushed out and said: I am a pilot! ! ! . . . I was there, there was a feeling of thunder. The friend beside me laughed wildly, laughing at me all the time.
Looking next, the pilot did not seem to have done anything wrong.
I saw that at first, my daughter was frightened by the neighbor’s pet orangutan. gone.
Then, I bought a new car and was driven by my neighbor’s father’s dementia relapse. Bump, bump, crash. He was originally a victim, but he was bitten by his neighbor's pet orangutan!
He thought he could not fly the plane with his finger broken, so he quit the film. As a result, when wandering around one day, a neighbor friend was poisoned, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed on his clothes, and then he became infected.
Finally, the lights in the cinema were all on, and the subtitles were all out. I haven't reached the door yet. He put on his uniform and arrived at the airport, and then began to have a nosebleed. . . . Does this mean spreading the virus around the world?
So, how important it is to choose a neighbor. What a bitter and dark clue this is. In other words, the pilot stayed at his own home for a few days, so he caught up with the orangutan in the neighbor's house.

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Extended Reading
  • Brett 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    Scary Revolution~~~~~~

  • Howell 2022-03-24 09:01:08

    The beginning diametrically opposed to the old version, the same ending separately. I am afraid that the rising is not the ape clan, but the endless demons and greed of human beings. In addition, the sincerity of Fox in the 20th century is very obvious. More than three "coming" shots are obviously mocking the recent pseudo-3D boom.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes quotes

  • [first lines]

    Robert Franklin: [administering chimp intelligence test] Okay, okay. Here you go. And let's go again.

    [gives Bright Eyes treat and clocks timer]

    Will Rodman: Which one's this? Number nine?

    Robert Franklin: Yeah, this is number nine. Bright Eyes, we call her. Are you watching this? This is unbelievable.

    [Bright Eyes does the tower fast]

    Robert Franklin: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

    Bright Eyes: [grabs treat and eats it]

    Will Rodman: How many moves was that?

    Robert Franklin: 20.

    [Will looks at them and starts to head out]

    Robert Franklin: Yeah, a perfect score is 15. Doc, what are you giving her?

    Will Rodman: [heads out] Hey, give that video!

    [runs out the hallway and opens the door to Steven Jacobs' office]

    Will Rodman: Chimp number nine, just one dose.

    Steven Jacobs: [looks at Will and holds a phone down] Aren't I seeing you later?

    Will Rodman: [puts file on desk] We're good to go.

    Steven Jacobs: I'm going to call you back. Yeah, all right. Thanks. Bye.

    Will Rodman: The 112. It works.

    [walks to a large screen]

    Steven Jacobs: On just the one primate.

    Will Rodman: One is all we need. Full cognitive recorvery. We're ready.

    Steven Jacobs: Look are you sure you're not rushing this?

    Will Rodman: I've been working on this for five and a half years. The data is clear. We're ready, Steven. All I need is your approval for human trials.

    Steven Jacobs: For this, you're going to need the board's approval. There's alot of money riding on this, Will. You only get one shot.

    Will Rodman: One shot is all I need.

    Steven Jacobs: [sighing] All right. But I'll need to see all the research.

    Will Rodman: [bangs on the desk] You got it.

    Steven Jacobs: And, Will...

    Will Rodman: Yeah?

    Steven Jacobs: Keep your personal emotions out of it. These people invest in results, not dreams.

    Will Rodman: Okay.

    [leaves office]

  • Caroline Aranha: I love chimpanzees. I'm also afraid of them. And it's appropriate to be afraid of them.