The last shot!

Halie 2022-10-01 03:10:22

At the end of the film, a year after the incident, Lucas took his girlfriend and son to the coming-of-age ceremony of the hunting season. From the exchanges between Lucas and past friends and Clara, we can see that their lives this year have been far away from the town. The greetings of the adults were warm and polite, but when they were sitting around, they lost the indulgence and joy of the past, and lost the magnanimous and trusting eyes. All Lucas saw was the restlessness and pretentious calmness of the neighbors. Of course, he was used to it. The introduction of the child’s godfather reminds everyone that the father and son have lived in the small town for generations. They have the same culture and heritage as everyone here, and share good memories with many people. In many cases, the broken relationship between people cannot be repaired, and history cannot be rewritten. People who have lived in a social group and passed on for many generations are eventually abandoned by the group, just like children abandoned by the family. Although Lucas was proven to be innocent, the incident also allowed participants in this society to see their own ignorance, just as Lucas’ son ranted "You idiots!" Lucas appeared, Let them stab in the body like a awn. This shot is an expression of their hearts. They have forgotten their stupidity. They cannot accept their stupidity, let alone remember it. They represent the majority of society, and only by eliminating dissidents can they continue to live in their history. This gun is the original sin of human society. A group of individuals rely on each other for their own sake and deprive other individuals of their freedom and life in the name and will of society. The masses are sad. They don’t have the guts to challenge greater social norms. They can only express their wishes through traditional hunting methods-"Go away! Stay away from us, never come back!!" Perhaps, society and society Social, social and personal conflicts are not about farming, fishing, hunting, or nomadism, nor about kindness or sin. Perhaps, there are always those beautiful and noble people who bear the original sin of society, follow the light of ideals, and light up mankind. In the long river of history.

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Extended Reading
  • Verdie 2021-10-20 19:02:23

    1. Loli's vengeance by love and resentment is ruthless and stupid. 2. The most terrible way for children is that they are ignorant, but they instinctively use innocence as a weapon to convince others. 3. People are used to being self-righteous and standing in the perspective of the weak Distributing the so-called justice and compassion is itself a kind of injustice. 4. Trust is the same as reputation. Once damaged, it cannot be repaired. 5. You will always live in the eyes of others, and the world has too much malice~ The ending is very realistic, good piece

  • Isac 2021-10-20 19:02:23

    Tong Yan Wuji's deterrence is enough to put adults to death, but he is even more afraid of the fearful adult world, blindly stupid, blindly obedient, and violent, and kind hunters eventually become prey in the eyes of everyone.

The Hunt quotes

  • Theo: The world is full of evil but if we hold on to each other, it goes away.

  • Bruun: It's common for children to describe non-existing details. I don't know if it's their imagination, or they pick it up from each other or from their parents. It's always assumed that children tell the truth And unfortunately, very often they do...