The distress of a conservative work

Rhoda 2021-10-20 17:38:18

The patterns of Hollywood animated films are similar. Regardless of the differences in the basic settings, the core narrative content is sugar-coated, and under the sugar-coated, there are nothing more than mainstream and healthy American concepts, such as Friendship, love, family, growth, etc. The success of the first part of "How to Train Your Dragon" is naturally due to the creative setting and the excellent selling. When the second part comes, when everyone is already familiar with the world setting, as long as they can continue to sell well Meng, by the way, tell a not-so-complex story. This sequel naturally does not have to worry about commercial success. The second part of "How to Train Your Dragon" clearly accomplished this basic goal with ease. But objectively speaking, compared with the stunning appearance of the first one turned out, the second one is more mediocre. The vulgar routines of the sequel animation film are basically visible on "How to Train Your Dragon 2", compared to the first one. There is a certain gap in comparison to the amazing in Chinese, but even so, in this dull Chinese summer file, "How to Train Your Dragon 2" is still a must-have at home and a good recipe for all ages.

The first "How to Train Your Dragon" is an entrepreneurial work. In those days, he immediately smashed his hands, and successfully captured the hearts of the market and the audience. The success of the first film brought twofold pressure to the second film. First of all, it is necessary to face the pressure brought by the exquisite previous works. The sequel is hard to beat the first Hollywood iron rule. After all, the success of art is hard to replicate. This is pressure on creation, followed by pressure on business. Appearance is the basic method for filmmakers to earn money, so the second part must be careful, as it is said that starting a business is easy to maintain. Under this cautious and stable earning mentality, it naturally brings about a defensive attitude. This defensive attitude seems to be a compromise choice. Without changing too much, it can win the market and keep The sign of "Dragon Master". Under the influence of creative decline and conservative mentality, "How to Train Your Dragon 2" lacks the aura of the predecessor, and adds more superficial warmth. Fortunately, most of the time, warmth is a harmless filler. But many times, this kind of superficial warmth drama and mediocrity are synonymous.

The changes in the narrative focus between the two dragons training masters are also very obvious. The narrative focus of the first part is dragon, while the narrative focus of the second part is people. The growth of the protagonist has become the core of the narrative, and the first part is the most attractive The human dragon completely became a supporting role in the second part, and became a flying pet dog, while the family reunion section of the protagonist's growth scene was abrupt and scribble, not well explored, and weak in drama. While the protagonist talks about ideals and peace for a long period of time, it is also easy to get bored. Together with the patterned villain with almost no sense of existence, the narrative of this film appears boring. Compared with the conception of the first part, there is a big gap. But in addition to this, "How to Train Your Dragon 2" maintains a high level of graphics and details. In terms of selling cuteness, it is better than the first one. However, the originally proud dragon clan, in the neglect of the narrative, It is completely reduced to a human pet. What I feel most regrettable is that in "How to Train Your Dragon 1", I can feel that the toothless boy is a person, but in the second part, the toothless boy has nothing. Personality was portrayed, and he became a pet completely.

In fact, "How to Train Your Dragon 2" is very good as a cinema film. Most of its problems are related to its predecessors. From an independent point of view, "How to Train Your Dragon 2" is a well-made, young and old Appropriate animation masterpieces, with intensive laughter, and cute and hard-selling. The special effects and 3D performance are unambiguous. Although the plot is modeled, there are no major problems. This is a slightly dull summer file. It is indeed a breath of fresh air. Under the iron law of Hollywood's sequel, it seems that it should be given enough tolerance. As a well-established work, "How to Train Your Dragon 2" is qualified. In this dull summer file, You really can't find any reason to reject it.

The Hollywood sequel Iron Law is a curse that is difficult to break. The first preconceived impression will always make people compare it with the previous one. This is an affirmation of the first one and also a kind of pressure on the sequel. It’s difficult to start a business. "How to Train Your Dragon 2" bears the pressure and hope. It inherits the excitement of the previous work and also leaves its own shortcomings. However, whether it is blame or praise, it is full of the audience’s heartfelt feelings about how to train the dragon. Love, this love comes from people's pursuit of freedom and yearning for all good things.

Chief, I also need a dragon.

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Extended Reading
  • Adrain 2022-03-25 09:01:06

    To quote an old saying in our country: one person spit on you to death.

  • Dejuan 2021-10-20 19:02:07

    It tells the boy's growth and aggravates the family relationship, the rhythm is relatively weak, the plot is a bit low, but fortunately, the 3D effect is very good, and the children really like to watch it.

How to Train Your Dragon 2 quotes

  • Valka: [meeting Toothless] Oh, he's beautiful!

    [pets him]

    Valka: [laughs] Incredible! He might very well be the last of his kind. And look!

    [counts his chin flaps]

    Valka: He's your age!

    Hiccup: Wow.

    Valka: No wonder you get along so well!

    [notices Toothless's retractable teeth]

    Valka: And retractable teeth! How did you manage to...?

    Hiccup: [awkwardly] Oh, I found him in the woods. He was... shot down and wounded.

    Valka: [goes to various disabled dragons] This Snafflefang lost his leg to one of Drago Bludvist's iron traps. This Raincutter had her wing sliced by razor netting. And this poor Hobblegrunt was blinded by a tree snare and then left to die alone and scared.

    [sees Toothless's prosthetic tail fin]

    Valka: And what of this? Did Drago or his trappers do this, too?

    Hiccup: [gives an embarrassed laugh] Oh, yeah. Well, crazy thing is... I'M actually the one who... shot him down.

    [Valka gives him a puzzled look]

    Hiccup: Hey, it's okay, though! He got me back!

    [to Toothless]

    Hiccup: Right, bud? You couldn't save all of me, could you? You just had to make it even. So, peg leg!

    [shows Valka his prosthetic leg]

  • Valka: [to Hiccup; proudly] All this time, you took after me.


    Valka: And... where was I? I'm so sorry, Hiccup. Can we start over? Will you give me another chance?

    [Hiccup gently smiles as if to forgive her]

    Valka: I... I can teach all that I've learned these past twenty years, like...

    [presses her fingers into Toothless's neck, making his back spikes split in half]

    Hiccup: Wow.

    Valka: Now you can make those tight turns!

    Hiccup: [to Toothless] Did you know about this?

    Valka: [laughs] Every dragon has its secrets. And I'll show them all to you! We'll unlock every mystery, find every last species together, as mother and son!

    [She and Hiccup laugh as they watch their dragons play]

    Valka: This gift we share, Hiccup, it bonds us. This is who you are, son. Who WE are. And we will change the world for all dragons. We will make it a better, safer place.

    Hiccup: [excitedly] Yeah! I mean, that sounds... amazing!

    [Overjoyed, Valka hugs a surprised Hiccup, who quickly returns the embrace]