Make complaints

Ona 2021-10-20 17:38:18

After watching "How to Train Your Dragon", I couldn't hide my disappointment at the end of the film, and left the scene without waiting for the subtitles to appear to see if there were any Easter eggs. I won't give it a rating higher than three and a half, maybe part of the reason is that I am looking forward to this movie after watching the first and extra episodes of "Dragon's Gift". The trough is as follows, which is only a personal point of view: In the episode where Hiccup and his mother met, the two showed no excitement like the reunion of mother and son, and there was no doubt about what they should have when their identity was not confirmed. And Hiccup’s father Stoick met his wife Valka’s affectionate and subsequent show of affection which was too nasty and dog-blooded. The mother’s appearance in this movie and the death of his father originally wanted to play the family card, but this paragraph ended. But it's so nondescript, it's hard to distinguish between family and love between husband and wife. Toothless was controlled by the Grey Dragon King to kill Stoick by mistake, which caused the emotional misunderstanding between Hiccup and Toothless, and the resolution was a bit rough, which also caused Toothless to be re-summoned by Hiccup to fight together and look a little weak. The duel between the two dragon kings should have made the scene more ambitious, the ice-spraying dragon, the battlefield will be splendid in the sky, how can it become a land-based combat? And the White Dragon King is so vulnerable? The Grey Dragon King is so powerful, how can it be easily defeated by a group of dragons led by Toothless? Besides, Toothless can't fly independently. Standing on the ground and a bunch of little brothers fired a few fireworks to interrupt and defeat Dragon King Fang? Have you ever seen how humans reacted when the bullet hit Hulk when they shot the Hulk? Those little flames hitting the dragon king's body is just this virtue. And you are dragons and not dinosaurs. Why do you always stand on the ground if you don’t fight in the sky? I haven't seen a single grand scene that should have appeared! Can I understand it as insufficient budget? And it's also a dragon anyway, in order to be cute, you don't describe your behavior like a dog, right? Besides, even if Toothless's willpower is outstanding, the rest of the dragons are easily summoned by Toothless back to his side? The movie should have given Hiccup and astred more plot and emotional development space. This is the first female protagonist, and she has become a role player in this one. Valka is positioning the heroine of the division. With her outstanding 20 years of training dragons, she should also allocate more roles in the two fights, right? Is the audience's age positioning in this film more childish or more childlike adults like me? If you prefer children, what kind of affection does your father and mother show off? Director, your parents are in front of you and me, can you bear it? If you prefer the latter, you will make astred's beauty and brave. At the end, Hiccup suddenly remembered to pull it over and kiss him, and hide it? There is also the Chinese dubbing, so it becomes a "little hiccup"? The first time I heard that Astre called him "little brother", I thought to myself that good guy, the name is really sweet. Later, my father was also called "Little Brother" when he appeared on the stage. I was instantly messed up. I didn't realize this confusion until her mother appeared on the stage. "Little Brother" should be his name, "Xiaogege" or something else, alas.

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Extended Reading
  • Afton 2022-04-24 07:01:03

    White Dragon King is so beautiful

  • Vinnie 2021-10-20 19:02:08

    Every time I see the cloud line drawn by the toothless boy soaring in the sky, I feel inexplicable enthusiasm. The human dream of flying has existed long before the White brothers! (In the middle part of the family scene, I really want to set off the table~)

How to Train Your Dragon 2 quotes

  • Valka: [meeting Toothless] Oh, he's beautiful!

    [pets him]

    Valka: [laughs] Incredible! He might very well be the last of his kind. And look!

    [counts his chin flaps]

    Valka: He's your age!

    Hiccup: Wow.

    Valka: No wonder you get along so well!

    [notices Toothless's retractable teeth]

    Valka: And retractable teeth! How did you manage to...?

    Hiccup: [awkwardly] Oh, I found him in the woods. He was... shot down and wounded.

    Valka: [goes to various disabled dragons] This Snafflefang lost his leg to one of Drago Bludvist's iron traps. This Raincutter had her wing sliced by razor netting. And this poor Hobblegrunt was blinded by a tree snare and then left to die alone and scared.

    [sees Toothless's prosthetic tail fin]

    Valka: And what of this? Did Drago or his trappers do this, too?

    Hiccup: [gives an embarrassed laugh] Oh, yeah. Well, crazy thing is... I'M actually the one who... shot him down.

    [Valka gives him a puzzled look]

    Hiccup: Hey, it's okay, though! He got me back!

    [to Toothless]

    Hiccup: Right, bud? You couldn't save all of me, could you? You just had to make it even. So, peg leg!

    [shows Valka his prosthetic leg]

  • Valka: [to Hiccup; proudly] All this time, you took after me.


    Valka: And... where was I? I'm so sorry, Hiccup. Can we start over? Will you give me another chance?

    [Hiccup gently smiles as if to forgive her]

    Valka: I... I can teach all that I've learned these past twenty years, like...

    [presses her fingers into Toothless's neck, making his back spikes split in half]

    Hiccup: Wow.

    Valka: Now you can make those tight turns!

    Hiccup: [to Toothless] Did you know about this?

    Valka: [laughs] Every dragon has its secrets. And I'll show them all to you! We'll unlock every mystery, find every last species together, as mother and son!

    [She and Hiccup laugh as they watch their dragons play]

    Valka: This gift we share, Hiccup, it bonds us. This is who you are, son. Who WE are. And we will change the world for all dragons. We will make it a better, safer place.

    Hiccup: [excitedly] Yeah! I mean, that sounds... amazing!

    [Overjoyed, Valka hugs a surprised Hiccup, who quickly returns the embrace]