21 Jump Street-7/10

Ryleigh 2021-10-13 13:06:09

An authentic Jonah Hill comedy, this movie can remind you of Knocked Up, and it can also remind you of Pineapple Express, and it can also let you see the shadow of Superbad. I like this kind of comedy more than The Hangover. The story is an old story in the past, but a lot of new content has been added, and a familiar face appears at the end. . The reason why this film is an authentic Jonah Hill movie is because of the poor and vulgar dialogue, this is authentic! The two male protagonists have a good chemical reaction and have a good understanding. In addition, every time the police officer played by Ice Cube comes out, they get a lot of color and are worthy of praise. The fly in the ointment is that there is a little bit of procrastination after the film progresses halfway through, which is why I think Superbad cannot be surpassed. Jonah Hill, the little fat guy, talented!

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Extended Reading
  • Hayden 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Old terriers have no new meaning

  • Bud 2022-04-20 09:01:05

    "Congratulations, you crazy, sick, vigilante motherfuckers." "Oh, my God! You're like two Hardy Boys in one!"

21 Jump Street quotes

  • Principal Dadier: I am one more black gay kid getting punched in the face away from a nervous breakdown.

  • Zack: You look really old. Were you held back?

    Jenko: No. You look super young, were you held forward?