These years, the magicians of American blockbusters are becoming more and more like superheroes.

Alvina 2021-10-20 17:41:32

"Is my Jayen just gone?" To be honest, Tony Oki's scene is sorry for his position in the movie poster station.

Whether it’s Macau or stuttering, although the first generation of this IP is not very good at the domestic box office, it at least evokes a lot of fans’ comments on Nolan’s Wolverine vs. Batman’s "Deadly Magic" ten years ago. Recall faithfully, Lionsgate has deliberately aimed its main battlefield at the Chinese market this time. Although there are obvious flaws in the plot of the first generation, the bright and straightforward criminal process, imaginative magic performances, and a few excellent performances by the leading actors still give the movie a middle-to-higher level.

The first generation is of acceptable quality, but as a popcorn, it is a bit late to release such a sequel three years later... The first generation is not very good in the plot, it is difficult for the audience to remember the three The plot of the popcorn movie a year ago. The director didn't seem to realize this. He deliberately reminded the audience that it was 2, which caused the film to make it impossible for those who hadn't watched 1 to figure out the origin of the story and the background of the characters. After all, many audiences are fans who stuttered Zhou. They

aimed at the Chinese market, but North America was released in the mainland half a month earlier, which caused mainland fans to learn that this movie is not as good as the first generation. I believe the audience before entering the door. I'm ready to lower my expectations, but I have to watch it for the sake of my Jay. The popularity of the Asian king who is nearly 40 years old in the mainland, even if he stands motionless for 150 minutes in the movie, I believe there are a lot of fans. We buy tickets to enter the venue.

It's a pity that this movie still disappoints the majority of fans...

—————————— The following contains spoilers——————————
(ps: This movie is even a drama

Let’s see through...the popcorn is delicious anyway) The beginning of the story is to kill the memory, the protagonist Dylan (the Hulk)’s father was killed by a routine, Morgan Freeman’s monologue tells you um, um, it’s my routine, this paragraph It has inherited the story of a generation. The director tells you that we don't want to borrow an IP to make a new movie, but we are producing a sequel, worthy of the loyal fans of the first generation.

The one who started looking for Sky Eye in the feature film did not know why the villain must have known that he would put his phone on the Jingshi. This unknown action was actually given by Walter (Harry Potter) who appeared behind. To be honest, he could be here. Such details make a fuss, and the director looks down on the audience's IQ too much. (However, the purpose of this little brother's search for Tianyan is also a bit vague, and there is a feeling that it doesn't make sense) As

soon as the camera turns, the Hulk enters the police station and has a balabala meal. Anyone who has seen the first generation knows that he is an undercover agent. The poster also knows that he is the protagonist. This clip is undoubtedly just the director telling the audience that he is still an FBI. ) I

heard that the girl of the first generation had a baby and could not participate in the filming of the second generation, but the four knights said how could there be no girl, so I immediately found a female magician who didn't know where to kill. (Master XX heroine) After playing around with SM in the little brother's house, he joined the Four Horsemen after a topless meal. In view of the limited duration of the popcorn movie, I won't say how abruptly joining here. With such a good-looking girl, would the audience still have opinions? The

Hulk rushed into the house with two knights. After a mouthful, he received a new task. This time, he went to inform the mobile phone manufacturer.

At this point, I have to say that there are quite a lot of dialogue lines in this movie. The literary and opera parts are all chatting like talking on the phone. This may have something to do with this group of magicians going on stage and interacting with the audience. This speeded up the rhythm of the movie, but it also made the literary drama dull, and it also buried a bunch of protagonists' acting skills.

To be honest, the next period of crime is the essence of the whole film. The scenes are switched in a straightforward manner, and the criminal actions are completed in one go, without any muddle-headedness at all. It really reminds the audience of the wonderfulness of the first generation, but the criminal process is not revealed later, the hypnotism of the big bald head is simply a weakened version of Charles Xavier.

It's just that behind the protagonists, the villains are playing tricks. The villains make the first move. It looks like the villains are very strong. The Hulk took his four knights to flee frantically. After being exposed as an undercover agent, the Hulk was controlled by the police, but he unlocked it and tied up all his colleagues around him. Magneto hasn't been released yet~~~ I can only say that this magic can be done, it is super power.

The Hulk and the Four Horsemen were lost. They drove to a wilderness and dared to make a call. If they changed to a normal movie, the phone would have been monitored 10,000 times. Morgan even made a call to the Hulk in jail. Could it be that the wanted man who just happened to make a call with the prisoner is just like that, nobody cares? What does the FBI do for food?

As for the Four Horsemen who came to Macau after passing through the cement pipe, yes, Macau, the distance from New York to Macau is so close~~~ To be honest, the location of Macau is really purely to please the Chinese audience, because the protagonist is not only watching Whatever you eat is what you see. Do Chinese people only have food left in the eyes of foreigners? (It seems to be) Although everyone can understand that Oriental Casino Macau is used to replace Las Vegas, but what about a good bet? I haven't seen a beautiful croupier and a slot machine during the movie. I am particularly dissatisfied.

The four knights saw the big bald brother, yes, this long-haired buddy is a villain, and his superpower is also hypnotic. The people of Macao drew their guns and wanted to shoot if they didn't agree with each other. This brother seems to have so many shots, and his appearance is also based on the first generation (of course not specific to this person). The editor and director of the

four knights who are still very hard to write 2 entered the Sands Casino, but unfortunately there is only one door. There are no beautiful croupiers and slot machines. In the elevator, the heroine is happily thinking about the future. Not only is the protagonist embarrassed, but the audience can only laugh bitterly. The director, the characters are not shaped like this. This kind of blunt and unbearable scene should have been cut off. Didn't the director feel embarrassed at all when going back to review the film?

After entering the door, a man in white stood on the balcony to admire the scenery. At this time, the girls who didn't know the truth nearly shouted out the word Jay. Who knows that it was Harry Potter when he looked back. That funny and paranoid performance seems to be a cute and charming villain. I don’t complain about height or anything~~~ Harry Potter’s scumbag really wants the audience to forget that he is Harry Potter. It’s just Ermei~~If your acting skills can go for a snack, everyone won’t keep calling you Harry Potter~~It’s your reality that makes everyone forget the cute little Zhengtai more than ten years ago. ~~

Harry Potter confessed his own routine. This revealing made me look dazed. Did the four knights sleep from New York to Macau? sleep! pass! go! of! You do not believe? Ermei, did I still take art photos? This routine may be the most scientific routine I have watched in movies for more than ten years. It is equivalent to saying that I lie down in bed and wake up for countless days and nights. My memory can actually be interrupted during sleep. Huh? ? ? Even if people are asleep, don't people dream? ? ? That's four people! How can Ni guarantee that they are not dreaming! I can only give 85 points for this routine from New York to Macau! But Harry Potter said that he knew that the protagonist's cell phone would be placed on Jingshi. At this time, I could only continue eating popcorn with a smile.

After confessing the purpose, it is roughly the kind of bragging about how awesome the target chip is and can control the world. But this place is a bit insulting to the audience's IQ. If you own such an awesome chip, you can sell it. "Is it still a gang leader?" Isn't this kind of rhythm that comes from aspiring Silicon Valley to the pinnacle of life in minutes? At this moment, I can't understand what the director is thinking.

The Hulk came to the prison to see Morgan, hey hey hey, isn't this the FBI undercover policeman who just appeared on TV? Even if the Hulk is using the identity of his colleague, you can always see it on his face. Does it reveal that the FBI is not the first? Is Time Wanted on the Internet? Are these prison guards not watching TV or surfing the Internet? ? ? I can only admire the work of prison guards in the United States for being serious and responsible for being able to go to prison here. This place keeps mentioning the plot of the first generation in the dialogue. To be honest, I don't remember the plot of the first generation clearly. Morgan, who was in prison, received a million times more information than the Hulk at large. It has to be said that the current American prison inmates are keeping up with the trend. The bewildered Hulk also believed in his evil, and immediately led JPMorgan to walk out of the prison. Although he was using a fake identity, he could only bully the North American prison guards and the countrymen.

The four knights came to the magic shop again. Yes, my Jaylen was on the court. He had to let his grandma tell him to greet the guests when he was stuttering while playing eggs. He was quite a bearish temperament. Stuttering in front of the four magicians and performing a little trick, holding a purple vibrator and going to Duang in front of the four people, exuding the demeanor of a mentally retarded child, the lines of buying, buying and buying made me look embarrassed. Jay Chou, did your line offend the director? I think it’s better for you to sing a song of Mr. Magic than this. You can’t sing Uncle Jock anymore.

To be reasonable, stutter your grandma is acting better than you.

The bald-headed twins went out to the bar to recount old-fashioned alcoholism, and this routine clip almost almost wrote the word pee on the big screen.

The camera turned around and came to the plane again. This dialogue scene was weird. Morgan's acting broke out with a scheming and a routine. The Hulk opened the green skin form and stepped forward and pressed Morgan to do it! NS! complex! hatred! By! United! League! Oh, it's wrong! NS! Four! ride! scholar! Morgan, who just had his mouth open, was aggrieved at this time. Why does the director think that such a clip can be the key to the character’s emotional transition... The

rhythm of stealing chips can’t be stopped like a fan. What is puzzled is that such an important important important important important important important chip, there is no camera in the storage room? ? ? ? Does the company have such trust in Macau employees? This is a chip that can control the world. Isn't it impossible for this group of employees to join together to steal it? The logic of the director made me stunned.

Morgan brought the Hulk to the magic shop again. Yes, this is Jay’s second appearance. The role is to deliver express delivery. The thing that evokes childhood memories was done by Morgan. Seeing this, I began to think about the existence of stuttering. Why.... Here, our Hulk professor also showed a sentence in Mandarin: "If you are not good in Mandarin, I will tell you, "This place may be based on Jay Chou's singing. After all, it is true that the stammer sings and utters words with Banner. The professor's Mandarin is fifty-five.

After stealing the chips, the little brother saw the Hulk in the market first, eh, the Hulk traveled from New York to Macau quite fast, or did the Hulk even dare to fly by plane? When they disagree, they say I don't want you~ You messed up~ I've been blind with you for so long~ The Hulk left in frustration. Don't worry, the Hulk came back 2 minutes later to stand up to save the horse. I don't want to use the cliché word for this kind of play...

Then I saw Harry Potter? ? ? I know you are the villain, but don't you dare to come out and show your face? You showed up in the market in Macau, not only did you wear a mask without a hat, but also followed a few brawny horses who were taller than you? ? ? This logic is really scary.

The audience is not a fish. The memory is only 7 seconds. The people of Macau can still pull out a gun by hand. Until you thugs can only fight hand-to-hand, if you pull out the gun, the Hulk will die a hundred times. The fight in this part also has some magic performance colors, um, the director never forgets that he made a movie of a magician throughout the whole process, and I gave it a good comment.

The Hulk was still captured, and Harry Potter’s performance here performed a perfect SB image. The words were confusing, leading to his father, Ah Fu, who had to be told by Ah Fu that he was an illegitimate child, Harry Bo Especially the most stupid villain's hat is buckled and still can't be taken off. The way to kill the Hulk is to use childhood shadows. If you really want to kill for something that is not good, you must use the same magic props. Morgan talks about it and you think it is good. Don't you have a little bit of your own thinking? No, I shouldn’t complain about it here. This place is rarely logical........

Our Hulk naturally lived up to expectations and used his father's relic (Jalen Express) to escape from the coffin, and the Four Horsemen naturally pushed the boat along the river to rescue the Hulk. The Hulk and his four knights naturally reunited. so fucking natural. At this time, the stuttering and his grandmother appeared again, yes, this is the third appearance of the stuttering. "We are the eyes of the sky" this impassioned granny said... I really don't understand here. Isn't it JAY CHOU that is the most popular? Shouldn't these words be made to stutter? Is it because Tony's Mandarin is not good? In any case, our magic army has changed from 5 to 7. This is not just a game! Like the Avengers! ! Like an X-Men! Is the foreplay of the war of the century inevitable? ? ? ! ! !

Pat your head and say that we will hold a New Year's Eve magic feast in LONDON. To be honest, I don't understand the special purpose of this address, or is it related to Brexit?

As soon as the camera turned, I arrived in the UK, and the group rushed to LONDON immediately. Notorious for the Four Horsemen, the FBI undercover traveled from Macau to London again. No wonder Hong Kong became a colony back then.

The New Year’s Eve is really lively, and it’s still a magic show, except for the poker card that is still normal, the girl’s soul-changing pigeon, and the younger brother’s water evil spirit Dafa performance made me have the illusion that I was on the wrong set. The performance of the pigeon of the soul is not interesting. The special effect of water control on the rainy night of the little brother was so amazing that he disappeared on the ground and the audience climaxed. Seeing this, the audience had long forgotten whether they were watching a magician or a superhero. ..... The

bald head was seen face-to-face by the brother, and the inexplicable farewell, must be the result of hypnotism, here is actually revealed in the back. I really don't understand. The directors of the places that should be revealed will not reveal the secrets to you. The audience can guess the places that they can understand and they will be happy to decipher it for you. These days, it is completely self-defeating to look down on the IQ of the audience.

Motorcycle's failure escaped the messy editing of the play, and the director's mirror IQ went offline. In reality, the whole picture was a mess. I believe that the audience with insulted IQs will feel that the inexplicable Four Horsemen and his Hulk were caught in the plane.

The play in the airplane is comparable to disaster. At this time, the villain is no longer very different from the mentally retarded. All the audiences can see that this is the point of reversal. Almost all the audiences are waiting for Jay to come out to save the world. It's a pity. Everything is a routine.

The bald-headed brother who was so stunned for the whole scene turned into a cute and harmless adult villain at this moment. The far-fetched and illogical process of revealing the secrets is illogical. It doesn’t matter at all. In this one-and-a-half hour baptism, the audience IQ has long been pulled to the same level as the choreographer. But the most unbearable thing is, where is our Jaylen? ? ? ?

This group of villains fell down before Jay, and it has to be said that Harry Potter played a very vivid image of a pure SB. It may be because of his true colors. The FBI is too late. This group of FBI still inherits the fine tradition of American blockbuster police pure warfare. It’s just that this time it’s not that my American police officers are incompetent. It is this group of superheroes who run faster than Hong Kong reporters.

A group of people came to the Greenwich Observatory, and the door opened was stuttering. This seemed to be the fourth appearance of stuttering. That's right, stuttering did not exceed 5 minutes in the whole film. But this is the gospel of stammering fans, because the director arranged for him the most relaxing and pleasant role for the acting skill of stuttering, and the whole film allows stammering to play as much as possible. To be honest, the ending cast should be written as jay chou act himself . The stuttering scenes of the whole film are optional. You can have everything you need to be handsome. It is still difficult to read the lines. I can’t help but remind me of Han Geng, who became a sales director a few years ago. He played for 30 seconds, but he played well. It was

no surprise that Morgan was washed out, indicating that he was a member of the organization, and the ending was still incomprehensible.

I'm probably already in a hurry to publish a sequel... Seeing this, I can't help but fall into contemplation. From 1 to 2, what is the power of the eye that blows through the sky? The more I watch it, the more I feel that Skyeye is LOWB. Given the cute and charming villain, Apocalypse is very cute and stupid, but this movie is here. Ah Fu hits soy sauce, Harry Potter is so stupid, and the bald brothers are slapped in the face. .

Having said that, this movie was by no means useless, 3D effect doing okay, at least not off glasses to see.
Stuttering made a lot of music for the movie outside of the play, which is worthy of his job, but to be honest, the music in the movie is not very good...The
magic performance is still exaggerated and fantasy, with magic Being a gimmick is also a rare highlight of the movie. After all, as superheroes are rampant and domineering today, the magic version of superheroes may be able to bring some freshness to the audience.
I have to say that this IP is very promising. Although the first generation of the plot has a flawed logic, it still does not make sense. After the second generation changes the director, everything is completely out of control. It is a pity that such a strong cast.
Recommended movie viewers: the first generation of diehard fans, Jay Chou's extreme fans, etc.

4.5 points or more than 0.1 are afraid of the director's pride

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Extended Reading

Now You See Me 2 quotes

  • J. Daniel Atlas: [tying Lula's wrists] Okay, come here. What is it that you want?

    Lula: I wanted to meet you. Everybody, really. I want to be a part of the Eye, okay? I said it. I do. And I want to use my magic for good, like you and Merritt and Jack especially. Oh, that's right. I know that Jack is alive. I know that he faked his own death. I am a huge fam of faking deaths. That was crazy!

    [Atlas finishing tying her wrists, and she slips the bonds immediately]

    Lula: What is this? A trucker's hitch?

    J. Daniel Atlas: Yeah.

    Lula: It's terrible. Embarrassing.

    J. Daniel Atlas: [ties her wrists behind her back this time] Okay.

    Lula: By the way, I am so sorry That Henley left you. Ow! God!

    J. Daniel Atlas: Sorry.

    Lula: That's actually a little better. You know what I heard?

    J. Daniel Atlas: What?

    Lula: About Henley? I heard that she got tired of waiting around, she lost faith and so she asked for an out, and the Eye gave it to her. But who knows, right? In matters of the heart, so difficult to tell. I mean, maybe she got sick of you. You ever think about that? Control issues? Maybe you just didn't tie her up tight enough. Ow!

    J. Daniel Atlas: [going to his phone for a second] Here's what's going to happen. You're going to stay here and stop talking, and I'm going to make a phone call, and in about five minutes, some people are going...

    [he turns back to Lula, but she's disappeared]

  • Walter Mabry: We'll be working together. Yes. Allow me to introduce myself.

    Jack Wilder: Yeah, you're Walter Mabry. You died a year ago.

    Walter Mabry: Yes, an idea I got from you, Mr. Wilder. Fake your death, the world puts its guard down.