"Annihilation" contemplates the terrifying deep brain holes, do you understand? !

Jazmin 2021-10-20 17:48:30

"Annihilation" is adapted from the first "Annihilation" in the " Forsaken Southern Territory" trilogy . With this novel, author Jeff Van der Meer successfully won the 2014 Nebula Award and defeated the "Annihilation" that was shortlisted for the same year. Three-body.

Many people fight for the "Three-Body", Dah Cong believes that the finalists depend on strength, and winning prizes depends on luck. Both "Annihilation" and "Three-Body" are very impressive works. It can only be said that the judges prefer the weird and thrilling "Annihilation"

The novel of "Annihilation" belongs to the Cthulhu mythical novel system. In one sentence, it is the role of this type of story. Metropolis will enter death and madness by exploring or studying the unknown.

Moreover, the style of Cthulhu mythology is mostly based on the atmosphere of suspense, horror and horror, which will satisfy the appetite of the audience and allow the protagonist and the audience to solve the mystery simultaneously.

Among the movies, science fiction films with the style of Cthulhu mythology are well-known such as "Solaris" (2002), "Moon" (2009), "Prometheus" (2012) and so on.

Today’s "Annihilation", Dah Cong read the original novel a few years ago, and thinks that the film version is already well adapted.

The movie eliminates the complex psychological activities and side stories of the characters in the novel, and combines the latter two "Powers" and "Acceptance" to express the puzzles that are not explained in the novel "Annihilation" , and add visual art to the film. The presentation above can be described as beautiful without losing the literary accent.

Next year's Oscar for the best visual effects award, "Annihilation" will occupy the seat ahead of schedule.

——In-depth spoiler analysis begins——

Many people say that last year’s "Arrival" and "Annihilation" are very similar. Strictly speaking, the rhythm and visual effects should be very similar. Both films do not have huge fighting scenes. The rhythm of the film is also eloquent, step by step embedded in the core secret. .

But in terms of story metaphors and brain holes, "Arrival" and "Annihilation" are two completely different directions.

"Arrival" explores the diversity of ways of thinking. "Annihilation" goes deep into the diversity of life refraction.

The beginning of the story of "Annihilation" tells the story of an unknown object falling to a lighthouse on the coast of the United States, creating a radiant bubble world. Mankind has sent several waves of men and horses before, and there has been no return. This bubble is getting bigger day by day. , Is seriously threatening mankind.

Afterwards, an expedition consisting of a five-member Detachment Army entered the bubble world to decrypt the mystery inside.

The attraction of the film is not how fierce the fight is, but the brains of the audience and the protagonists exploring together, and the revealing of the core mystery.

Next, Dah Cong will give you an analysis of some of the plots in the film.

Keywords: Ouroboros tattoo

Careful observers may have discovered that the female lead, Doctor of Biology, Lena, had no tattoos on her arms before entering the bubble world, but she had tattoos when she came out after entering the bubble world.

Many people think that this is a sign to judge whether it is Lena herself, but it is not.

After Lena entered the bubble world, when rowing a boat, her arms had begun to bruise, indicating that the tattoos were already growing.

In fact, not only Lena had this tattoo, but soldiers who mutated and died in the pool also had the same tattoo on their arms.

Anna from the same team also had a tattoo on her arm halfway through.

So the question is, what does this Ouroboros tattoo stand for? !

Ouroboros is a symbol of ancient Greece. The approximate image is that ouroboros is devouring its own tail, which represents the meaning of " " in mathematics , infinity, and loop.

Ouroboros is a common symbol in religion and mythology, especially in alchemy, so it is closely related to the myth of Cthulhu mentioned earlier.

Plato explained that ouroboros is a primitive-level creature in the universe. Its head swallows its own tail. It is an immortal body with a perfect biological structure.

The appearance of ouroboros tattoo in "Annihilation" is the embodiment of the concept of cosmic circulation. It represents another form of "rebirth", the reciprocation of construction and destruction, the cycle of life and death, and it also means a kind of eternal cycle.

The film uses ouroboros tattoo to confirm a concept of physics.

Yes, the Ouroboros figure also has its place in physics. It reflects a kind of cosmic meaning and symbolizes the relationship between quantum physics (microscopic) and the universe (macroscopic).

In quantum physics, matter can be decomposed into molecules, atoms, and even quantum. Human beings now learn about the mysteries of the universe by studying quantum physics.

In "Annihilation", although the Ouroboros tattoo is not explained too much, the physicist Josh explained the physical principles of the bubble world through the humanoid plant.

That is, in the bubble world, the DNA of all organic organisms is refracted by a thin layer of glowing bubbles, resulting in the cloning, mutation, and deconstruction between species.

Just like the colorful flowers and plants that I saw at the beginning, it was caused by the confusion of DNA refraction between plants.

The crocodiles that attacked them had shark teeth, which were also the result of DNA refraction.

The twin fish in the river, the talking skeleton bear, and the twin white deer are all caused by DNA refraction.

Therefore, being refracted also includes human beings. Because of their physical differences, each person's mutation in the bubble world is different. The soldier like that finally turned into a beautiful mural, and the physicist became a veritable one. Vegetative.

These physical phenomena are a good proof of the meaning of ouroboros tattoo on the arm. All organic life forms are being destroyed, but they are all being reborn.

In the bubble world, whoever says that people die is really dead. Death is only the appearance. Maybe your original body has been merged with plants, animals, and even time and space.

Keywords: cancer cells

The film mentioned the law of division of cancer cells many times. When Lena was in class at the beginning of the film, it described the division of a single cell. Strictly speaking, this cell is a HeLa cell.

HeLa cells originated in the 1950s and were extracted from a woman named HeLa who suffered from cervical cancer.

In the movie, Lena was in the living room with her husband, and the book she read was about HeLa cells. The title of the book was "Hela the Immortal".

The characteristic of HeLa cells is that they are immortal, can divide indefinitely, and multiply rapidly, which is very helpful for modern medical cancer research. The specific scientific explanation is particularly lengthy, so Dacong will not start it.

The film borrows the division of HeLa cells to interpret the principle of regeneration and reproduction of the bubble world.

As mentioned earlier, in the bubble world, organic organisms can cross without barriers and continue to undergo fission, so as to achieve the evolution of life in which the "alien" themselves do not know what their purpose is.

Looking at the bubble world of "Annihilation" from another angle, it is actually a microscopic cell world. Once animals and plants, including humans, belonged to normal cells, but one day suddenly an intruder, the Hela cell, came, which led to The entire cell world (bubble world) is mutated.

Extraterrestrial life forms, like HeLa cells, possess immortal life, and they mutate and multiply rapidly, which leads to a lot of strange things happening.

In the end, the "Hella cells" representing alien life successfully merged with the highest-end cells "humans" to achieve perfect replication and mutation, just like the two husbands and wives at the end of the movie, which are the result of mutation.

A transformation that annihilated the earth began immediately.

Keywords: refraction metaphor

In order to express the hybridization of everything and everything, the film actually made a lot of metaphorical expressions, the most obvious being the reflection of the water glass.

At the beginning of the movie, Lina's husband returned home quietly . The refraction of the cup of water in the kitchen suggested that the husband at this time was already a refracted life body, not the original husband.

During Lena's interrogation, a glass of water was also placed next to her. The reflection of the water from the glass also implied that Lena was no longer the original Lena.

In addition, in the bubble world, there are actually some refractions about the real world.

For example, at the beginning, the alien husband returned home and glanced at the picture on the wall when he went upstairs.

This same action happened when Lena's expedition entered the house, she also glanced at the photo on the wall from the same angle.

Why did Lena take a look at the photos on the wall, because the photos are very familiar and may be a reflection of the photos at home.

When her alien husband came home, the alien husband was actually in a state of learning. He was not yet a so-called mature body (which also explains why he vomits blood). He was curious about everything, so he watched when he went upstairs. Take a glance at the photo on the wall.

The impression left by the alien husband looking at the photo was reflected in the bubble world where Lena entered the house.

Therefore, the house where Lena and the others live, if you look closely, the interior decoration is very similar to Lena's house. Among them is a cabinet in Lena's house, which reflects the cabinet they reflected in the bubble world.

The handles of the cabinet, one turned outward, and the other turned inward, they are not one-to-one clones, but refract and twist like a mirror.

The chairs and curtains in their room are very similar to Lena's house. This also shows that when the alien husband enters the real world, he is changing the appearance of the bubble world through learning.

In addition, the director’s caution is more than that. When Lena and the others are in the cafeteria, there are many repetitive elements in the layout of the cafeteria, such as a pair of identical chairs placed on the table and two American flags placed together.

You can say that this is a phenomenon caused by refraction, or it can be said that the director strengthened the refraction clue deliberately.

Keywords: Dr. Ventress

Regarding the several inferences at the end of the film, Da Cong did not want to apply the novel to reason, because the changes between the novel and the movie were quite large, and the director himself also said in the interview that he had not finished reading the novel (covering his face and laughing.JPG ).

Dr. Ventress was the first person in their team to enter the lighthouse, and when Lena arrived, the original Dr. Ventress had died, because the film gave a shot of Dr. Ventress sitting in a similar religion The seat of the altar, her eyes hadn't evolved at that time.

So Ventis at that time had already been copied by mutation.

So why did she quickly become annihilated and turned into radiant particles?

There are two explanations here.

The first explanation is that Dr. Ventress himself has cancer, so he is an imperfect organism.

After being examined, the alien lifeform automatically deleted her, in order to absorb the newly arrived Lena.

Moreover, the law of alien life forms is that as long as a new life form arrives, the previous one will be annihilated and a new life form will be absorbed again.

Another explanation is related to the novel, that is, Ventis serves the Bubble World, bringing a steady stream of human flesh to alien life forms for evolution. The row of skulls at the gate of the lighthouse illustrates this. explain.

So when Ventress returned to the lair, he quickly transformed into an alien life form itself, thus "sucking" Lena.

Many people think that the drop of blood from Lena's wound accidentally fell into the outer nebula, but in the novel, Lena's blood came out of her ears. Therefore, it can be concluded that the alien cloud deliberately wants to absorb Lena's blood DNA.

Keywords: Ending, True and False, Lena

There are two inferences about the true and false ending of Lena.

According to Lena's own description, what the audience saw was Lena killing the aliens, and then told the story to outside researchers.

However, Lina must have burned her husband to death, and did not tell outsiders, otherwise how could the scientific researcher let an alien husband be spared.

However, Lena may have lied to the audience. So the first inference was that Lena who came out was lying.

The main reason for Da Cong to infer this is the phosphorous fire bomb. It is reasonable to say that the aliens are still preventing Lena from escaping from the lighthouse, but at the time of the bomb, the aliens are instantly confused and stand stupidly. Very weird and illogical.

In addition, the alien life body is on fire, so you should not be so stupid that you walk back to the nest and burn your own nest.

So a reasonable explanation should be:

Like her husband, Lena also chose to use phosphorous fire to spontaneously ignite. There is a scene in the film where the burning "Lina" touches her husband who has already burnt carbon. This action is obviously an expression of love.

In other words, the burning alien is actually the real Lena. She knew that she was going to die, so she bid farewell to her dead husband at the end, and then walked into the alien lair, wanting to die with the alien lair. , To save mankind.

So in the end, it made sense for the alien Lina to meet with the alien husband, and they would formally "invade" the earth as soon as the alien husband and wife.

According to this inference, why the alien husband is healed is not because the alien nest was burned down, but the completion of Lena's copy.

In other words, regardless of whether the alien nest is burned or not, the alien lifeforms have completed the final mature form, allowing the alien husband to heal.

This can be explained from a religious perspective, because after the alien life body gets a husband, it only has a male human body, and there are many imperfections. The alien life body needs to find a woman who is closely connected with the husband.

So when the alien life forms got Lena's DNA, the male to female ratio was balanced, because in reality, Lena and her husband must have done what they love.

The DNA and feelings between them are physically and spiritually connected. After the alien life forms absorbed Lena, they naturally perfected the alien husband.

In addition, there is another inference, that is, everything Lena said is true. She did kill the alien life form and escaped by herself.

But because she has been in the bubble world for too long, her own DNA has also been refracted, so at the end of the film her eyes also have a radiant color.

Lina at this time is no longer the Lina before, but Lina who has been baptized by alien life forms.

Like her tattoo on her arm, she became a carrier of alien life.

This inference is the same as the previous one. Regardless of whether the alien nests have been burned down or not, they have obtained the DNA of Lena and her husband, so they have mutated and matured and have begun to "invade" the earth in other forms.

Keywords: Annihilation of Human Nature

Dah Cong has been complaining that some foreign film titles in China are not well obtained, but this time the name "Annihilation" is particularly literary and in line with the image style expressed by the film.

The surface event of the "Annihilation" movie is an attack by alien species, causing the entire earth to mutate, deconstruct, and rebirth.

From a physical point of view, alien invasion is annihilating to species.

From the deep level of human nature, it is also annihilated. The five female characters in the film, if we look back at their backgrounds, we can find the truth.

The heroine Lena appears to have a stable marriage, but in fact Lena has an affair with another professor, and her husband has already known it. On the surface, their marriage is peaceful, but in fact, they have been annihilated internally.

The leader of the team, Dr. Ventress, has no friends or family, and she has cancer, so her life is also annihilating.

Physicist Josh, we can see a lot of scratches on her arm, which shows that she has a tendency to masochistic, and her heart is also very injured.

Medical worker Anna, who was once a drug addict, has a destructive life in her life.

Geomorphologist Cass, the departure of his daughter is also a major annihilation in his life.

So these five women, in their own life experiences, are more or less annihilated and destructive, which exactly expresses the incompleteness of life on the side, and the invasion of aliens ironically solves this. One problem.

The hug between Lena and her husband at the end of the film is like a pair of reborn lovers, locked tightly by the double ring structure.

In addition, the film chooses to drop alien life bodies on the lighthouse because of ulterior motives. Many literary works use lighthouses as a metaphor for the direction of life, the direction of spirit, the direction of revolution, and so on.

In the film, alien life forms fall on the lighthouse, which shows that the lighthouse direction of human evolution has changed since then.

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Extended Reading
  • Sofia 2021-10-20 19:02:31

    So the decision after the entire army was annihilated in three years was to send five unsuspecting female scientists to investigate? You have to quarantine the quarantine station and talk, and then you send someone in and go naked? The whole film is a low-cost b-level film under the mysterious shell. Full of exposition talk, talk, then talk? The IQ of all members dropped, the performance was blunt, the special effects of photography were dazzling and blinding, and finally a high-concept ending was thrown to fool the audience. .

  • Nicole 2022-03-17 09:01:03

    The movie itself is also very hybrid, monsters, horrors, sci-fi, exciting and spooky, just like the disgusting and beautiful vision, which makes people restless and intently looking. But apart from the self-destruct paragraph which is a bit interesting, the main theme is not too strong.

Annihilation quotes

  • [the team kill an alligator & examine it's mouth]

    Lena: Lena: Whoa. It's exactly the same as the flowers. Look at the teeth. Concentric rows. Something here is making giant waves in the gene pool.

    [the paramedic, Anya, holds the alligator's mouth open. She has no tattoo on her arm]

    Cass Sheppard: Sharks have teeth like that, don't they?

    Dr Ventress: Do you think it's a crossbreed?

    Lena: You can't crossbreed between different species.

    Anya Thorensen: Lena, this is getting heavy.

    [Later in the movie, Anya has acquired the tattoo]

  • Lena: The mutations were subtle at 1st; more extreme as we got closer to the lighthouse. Corruptions of form. Duplicates of form.

    Lomax: Duplicates?

    Lena: [She looks at the tattoo on her arm & lifts her arm up] Echoes.

    Lomax: Is it possible these were hallucinations?

    Lena: I wondered that myself... but they were shared among all of us. It was dreamlike.

    Lomax: Nightmarish?

    Lena: Not always. Sometimes it was beautiful.

    [the movie then cuts back in time to show beautiful translucent single-tailed wormfish swimming alongside double-tailed duplicates. Lena is in a canoe on a swamp located quite near to a corpse that bears the same tattoo as Lena]

    Lena: Oww. Ow.

    [She clutches her arm - there is no tattoo yet. However, a dark blue mark has appeared at the same place on her arm]

    Cass Sheppard: You're hurt?

    Lena: It's just a bruise. I must have gotten that from the gator.