There are more living things on the earth. Do you think that the only thing that wants to control humans is this flower?

Destiney 2022-01-23 08:08:01

There are tens of millions of creatures on the earth, and human beings are just one of them. In the vision of the earth, human beings are no better than other creatures. It is only because of evolution that they occasionally gain the love of the Creator. It feels that human beings control the earth. In fact, it is not. As described in some movies, it is not necessarily the protagonist who appears first or is the first to have a halo or is the last to laugh. The creatures on earth may not necessarily be the real boss.

Thanks to the director, we have been alert through a flower. Humans should not always arrogantly think that they are omnipotent. Any kind of creature may be stronger than you.

In terms of the age of the earth, many creatures have survived hundreds of millions of times longer than human beings. In terms of quantity, many creatures, such as insects, are orders of magnitude more than human beings. Maybe they are more intelligent than human beings.

For example, your pet dog, dare you say that he has not controlled humans to some extent. You see that many people treat their pet dogs as family members and work hard by themselves, but they have kennels and good food. They don’t have to work hard, and they just need to be coquettish and live happily. You dare to say that humans are better than dogs. ?

For example, if cows are obtained on a farm, they are only successful in terms of racial reproduction. Because they have milk to drink, humans reproduce them in large numbers, and their races continue to grow. On the other hand, scalpers, because of their low value to humans, are currently becoming smaller and smaller.

Therefore, human beings are not the most beloved creatures on the earth. We must stay awake at all times. On this earth, we don’t know who is tired and who is secretly enjoying the blessing.

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  • Federico 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    my day! ! ! (Hausner said we are all happy zombies, and the ending is a happy end) The Flower of Anxiety in Austria

  • Frances 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    Too bad, biss I doubt that those who say this movie is good have been brainwashed by Xiaoxiaoqiao