Avril has a strong mentality

Jimmy 2022-01-23 08:05:30

I learned about steampunk after watching this movie. The black-and-white painting style is supposed to be close to the colors of the steam age of the 19th century. Black coal and gray steam are everywhere. In the background, Napoleon III went to scientist Franklin’s laboratory to ask for the ultimate serum to prepare for the upcoming Franco-Prussian War. It turned out that only two lizards were very angry. They broke the serum with a gun, and the laboratory boom exploded. Several people saw God directly. Two giant lizards took advantage of the chaos and escaped. The Franco-Prussian War did not break out because of Napoleon IV’s early rise to power. However, as scientists disappeared one after another, the world was stuck in the steam age.

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Extended Reading
  • Isabel 2022-04-23 07:04:27

    The alternative parallel space world of steampunk is also full of dictators (mutated animals), scientists, and loving little animals. The style of painting is indeed like the adventures of Tintin

  • Hans 2022-04-24 07:01:23

    French romantic steampunk is also very fascinating.

April and the Extraordinary World quotes

  • April: Lizards? Those lizards took my parents?

  • Rodrigue: Chimène, I just had an idea. A nonviolent one! I think you'll like it.