A KB Hong Snake

Cameron 2022-01-24 08:03:00

Whether the picture is good or the plot is bad, a KB Hong snake really makes me feel fresh.

Metal can attract metal Hong snake. Sadness will attract sad Hong snake. Hong snake is a very KB thing, it has dogs. The same sense of smell, smelling its name everywhere. Even if you go up and down the mountains, you will find the taste and throw it in front of you in a sine wave. So we can't have metal objects, we can't have sorrow, and we can't bring ourselves Something that is painful. Yes, hide it well, and don’t be sniffed by the snake. Otherwise, the snake, which can travel freely and sinusoidally on the surface and inside of the earth, will spin and eat you. Drop. Then

I’ll be with hundreds of thousands, metal or painful people. Next, I’ll sniff new victims. I want to be a KB snake and smell all the people I like. Then, let We were happily surpassing the mountains and ridges, going up to the ground, and advancing in a sine wave.

Suddenly I thought of Shirakawa. The table was full of programmers with sharpened pencils of the same length, and the seven that he walked in that night eleven. If Shirakawa is a Hong snake, it will be the most KB one. The most KB one.

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