
Amara 2022-01-23 08:05:28

The sophomore acm course stipulates, otherwise I don't think I will encounter this movie in my life haha. The three points is mainly because it is not my narrative style. I prefer the director to let the characters directly give out what they want to express through the lines and pictures, let me realize it, I will collapse hahaha. It was a question mark when I watched it. I felt that the plot was not impactful enough but it got lost, but after reading the film reviews and listening to the teacher's analysis of the two sections, I still tasted something "umh". During the magnificent Spanish colonial period, it was very interesting to put his foothold on a sheriff sent from abroad. His identity was like a banana man. A small official was enough to make him proud of himself in the colony, but in fact he was not on either side. belong. Like everyone in and out of the movie, Zama is surrounded by history, dealing with trivial matters every day, time seems stagnant, and slowly realizes that it is sand, and the movie is the process by which he recognizes identity. The class was entered from the perspective of the indigenous people. At first glance, I completely ignored it. In fact, it is very worthy of discussion. I saw the contaminated but resisting that the director wanted to express. The original order of the world, the attitude is that you are not rare in European stuff. In a dual-track movie, I hope that I will have more perspectives in the future so that I can see different stories in different characters. The soundtrack used the sound of Hawaiian piano, thinking of the White Lotus Resort, quiet, mysterious and weird, it is the South American continent in my "stereotype". There's a life world, do you wanna be in it?

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Extended Reading
  • Julie 2022-01-23 08:05:28

    The background is set in the slavery period of South American colonialism. The photography is retro like oil painting, but the creators seem to not want to reproduce history, add absurd elements, and closely connect the fate of the male protagonist with the exotic wonders and the background of the times. The playful soundtrack and costume makeup make the movie have a strong sense of drama. I was completely attracted by the stills. Due to limited knowledge, I only saw the unattainable sadness of being in a barbaric yearning to return to civilization, but it seemed that I couldn't interpret the deep-seated things. 3.5

  • Aida 2022-04-24 07:01:23

    You probably understand why Martel has such a high reputation in the industry.

Zama quotes

  • Gobernador II: What are you writing?

    Fernández: A book, Governor.

    Zama: We need to draft a letter to be sealed and...

    Gobernador II: A book? A book? Make children, not books. Learn a lesson from our Magistrate, Manuel.

    Fernández: I can't know how my children will be. But I do know how this book will be.