What to say

Daniella 2022-01-22 08:03:47

What is written in the diary? Do you write down the dark side of your selfishness and inferiority in your diary? Or write yourself as a hero, waiting for future generations to discover and observe? I don’t know, because every person who writes a diary will write with a different mentality in each period, and most people understand that a diary can help them retain important memories, and they also understand that the diary will be seen by others sooner or later. of.

In the film, Rabe said he would wait until he was born four before letting his wife watch it. And we saw a perfect hero in the film, who established a sanctuary and saved nearly half of the people in Nanjing. Everything is perfect.

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Extended Reading
  • Dwight 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    Unlike Nanjing Nanjing, Rabe’s Diary is a movie that eulogizes heroes. It does not show much about the suffering of Nanjing. I feel that the great film that deliberately highlights Rabe and a few Westerners is still worth watching. The end subtitles explain Rabe’s. Destiny is also embarrassing

  • Berneice 2022-03-14 14:12:29

    I prefer Lu Chuan. I would rather believe that many of his feelings are true. Commercial hype is just a means of propaganda.

John Rabe quotes

  • John Rabe: Chang, what's the point in you having a head?

    Chang: So that it not rain into my neck.

    John Rabe: Quite right.

  • Dr. Robert Wilson: I don't like Nazis.

    Valérie Dupres: He isn't a Nazi.

    Dr. Robert Wilson: Yes he is.

    Valérie Dupres: He's just a member of the party.

    Dr. Robert Wilson: Which makes him a Nazi.

    Valérie Dupres: Are you a member of the church?

    Dr. Robert Wilson: Yeah, so what?

    Valérie Dupres: What do you think of witch burning?

    Dr. Robert Wilson: Ah, well, looking at you, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea.