The Gertrud in Me

Forrest 2022-09-21 16:03:38

Joni Mitchell once sang "i really don't know love at all", but Gertrud knew exactly what love means to her. When she was 16 years old, she wrote this way-

Just look at me. Am I beautiful?
No. But I have loved.
Just look at me. Am I young?
No. But I have loved.
Just look at me. Do I live?
No. But I have loved

. Am I pretty?
No, but I loved
looking at me, am I young?
No, but I loved
looking at me, am I alive?
No, but I have loved

Gertrud in the movie all his life alone , but I really loved it, and always lived in a posture of waiting for love to come, just like Emily Dickinson. The black-and-white scene of the movie finally freezes in a white door. At this point in the movie, my thoughts slipped into Emily's white room, and the fluttering white clothes passed my sight, reflecting a white wall. But after all, it is a wall where neither the shadow nor the shadow can be seen—the invisible only kept the purity.
——It's like a love without ending. It's like love that didn't happen.

At the end of the movie, Gertrud chatted with his confidante Axel, and the two said so

——-remember what you said: there's nothing else in life but love. nothing, nothing else. do you still stand by those words? do you regret them?
-no, i don't regret them. i stand by what i said, there's nothing else in life but youth and love, unending tenderness and quiet happiness. when i'm near the grave and look back on my life, i'll say to myself... i suffered much and often made mistakes, but i have loved.
-you think a lot about death and the grave?-yes
, .... yesterday i ordered the headstone for my grave and i decided what shall be on it.
-your name, of course?
-no, just two words. Amor Omnia.
-love is all.
-yes, Love is All.

——Remember that you once said that there is nothing but love in this world. Did you do that? Do you regret it?
——No, I don’t regret it. As I said before, there is nothing else in this world, only youth and love, endless tenderness and peaceful happiness. Although I suffer from this and often make mistakes, I have loved it. ...Only one sentence on my tombstone-Amor Omnia.
-Love is everything.
——Yes, love is everything.

Danish director Carl Theodor Dreyer's 1964 film "Gertrud" (Gertrud) is also the epitome of his life. In the story, a woman named Gertrud travels through four loves, and the feelings are intertwined because of the time. The three men became her husband and lover, and one became a lifelong friend and confidante. In the end, a woman walks a lifetime in solitude, enjoying the freedom of independence. But this freedom is by no means an escape from love, "loneliness" is the most complete understanding of love and the most loyal guardian. How can it not make people think of Emily Dickinson, the woman who has fluttered her life in white, who has also been in love with the same devotion-but to no avail. Yu Jie once laughed at her pitifully and lovelessly all her life, I can only say that men do not understand women too much.

Delaier said, "Gertrud is a film I made with my heart." I think in addition to his heart, this film is a director who, as a male, understands the meaning of love to women-and also the original meaning of love.

When Gertrud saw that "women and work are like water and fire" written on the card by the beloved poet, he resolutely gave up the burden of love-even if the latter woke up after 3 years and tried to save her, he did not look back... … Gertrud said, “I’m afraid because I believe in you” when he handed himself over to the young lover Erland… When her husband begged her to say that he had loved him before leaving, Gertrud said, “We did have the same love before. s things". In the end, when a person was celebrating his dying birthday, Gertrud said, "I have always liked you very much, and I am now", and the latter replied, "We have always been friends instead of becoming friends. Couple".

People, like people, have to go around complicated circles in order to return to the origin and believe in the simplest truths. But only with such a clear truth can it transcend the truth itself, and even the person involved will record the life experience of being inhumane.

Gertrud's honesty is everywhere, staying and leaving loyally to love. As the movie progresses, I see this woman living in black and white, so similar to my Emily...women, women always understand each other, but spend their entire lives asking men from another planet to understand the heart of this world. ...
But the director understands, and tells the story so beautifully, can he be grateful for this understanding and return with love itself? ——

"I'm afraid because I believe in you."
Gambling with a lifetime of love is considered to be a devotional life.

Love - IS anterior to Life -
Posterior - to Death -
Initial of Creation, and
at The Exponent of Breath -

Love in early primary
later than death
is the beginning of all things
to breathe as the basis

Emily Dickinson wrote this poem, and how many women Can they write a poem in their entire life?

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Gertrud quotes

  • Gabriel Lidman: He bragged about his lovers.

    Gertrud Kanning: No, that wasn't nice.

    Gabriel Lidman: No. In this mixed company, in this atmosphere of drinking, playing and whoring around, he spoke aloud of his latest conquest. And he named her, her beloved name.

  • Gertrud Kanning: I've known all along it was madness, but I had so little to lose, Gabriel. My life was so terribly lonely and empty.