When terror has become a habit

Jerald 2022-01-18 08:02:48

In fact, Grudge 2 does not have the horror of tv1. It may be that the chin of 1 is too ecstasy. Aunt Kayako crawls too amorously, and that shadow is still lingering in my heart; after watching 2 for a few years, I feel that I was in my heart. That throbbing seems to have disappeared. You must know that Aunt Gaya Coconut, you were my first love, the dressing room, the sound of the wall, the ghost upper body, the shadow clone, and the god horse are no longer enough to embellish your peerless elegance.
My memory of you still stays in that afternoon—the moment you climbed down from the attic, accompanied by grunting hoarse guttural sounds, I think at that moment, my thoughts and voice have completely broken.

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