momo is going to grow up

Layla 2022-01-23 08:04:56

Because the expectation was so long before that, the raw meat and the sinicization were not noticed later. Listening to the 25-track OST album now, I can't help but laugh at the plot.

I have also lived from a city to a remote town before, and I can empathize with many things momo has encountered. The only difference is that momo is a more sensitive girl than me. I don't know how big Tokyo is, anyway, for the children on the island, the sea and the forest are all of the world. Momo's introverted and sensitive character seems so incompatible with the island. The noisy children who are going back to Tokyo, the children who like pudding, the children who have no courage to dive, the children who can't see their mother's tears. "Letter to Momoko" always reminds me of Chihiro from Miyazaki's house. The same elementary school students have so many similarities, leaving the familiar environment to start a new life. The difference is that Qianxun has grown up due to bizarre adventures before starting a new life, and it seems to us that the future will always develop in a good direction. However, momo followed his mother to the island after his father died. The unfamiliar environment and guilt for his father forced momo to "always want to go back to the past."

I feel that everyone who is nostalgic will want Doraemon's time machine. I don't want to change, I don't want to be linked to words like "in the past", "I want to be like this forever," and "forever." Isn't that all right?

Everything was just like an appointment, and finally my father went home to reunite, and finally bought a good choir ticket... "Actually, I didn't want to tell my father that way", "In fact, I just wanted to go together. "In fact, I'm very happy that you can write to me"... The sudden death of my father caught everything by surprise. He was forced to go to a remote island, and was forced to come into contact with strange grandparents and strange horrors. Forced to be at home alone. I feel sad when I look at it sincerely.

Fortunately, there will be princes and princesses in fairy tales, and there will be partners like monsters in anime. This is the setting of the most monster partner I have ever seen, without the slightest pretentiousness. The real monsters in Japanese legends are not as pleasing to the eyes as Natsume’s cat teacher or Inuyasha. The appearance of the evil trio of Ayan, Achuan, and Adou monsters has changed momo's life tremendously. They meet momo's willful requirements, momo helps them get rid of their bad habits. Without high-powered mana, the most advantageous weapon to defend against the enemy is powerful run-up and farting attacks. The ridiculous ridicule of laughter enriches momo's daily life at home alone.

Just like the prince awakened the princess with a kiss, the broken mirror made the monster trio had to confide to momo the purpose of this trip in the small stormy space. The letter paper that was tampered with and sent to the sky, why appeared by momo's side, all the mysteries were unlocked by a key, "only because we were entrusted by my father to protect you".

Perhaps most of the audience guessed the ending and most of the plot at the beginning. The whole movie is really just those similar experiences and trivial lives that you can watch. It's like a movie film that can interpret your entire childhood. I was not lucky enough to meet a trio of monsters and my childhood is still growing up healthily to the present, because in real life there is no monster Ayan who will kick you into the water repeatedly, but I have a lot of encouragement and will wait for you to have the courage. Diving friends.

Cherish it now. Momo's blind complaint and willfulness almost made a big mistake because she didn't understand her mother's inner suffering. There is no monster in this world who will help you be protected by groups of monsters on a stormy night to find a doctor in a neighboring county to save people, and there will be no kind monsters who will help you send a letter to heaven to pray for repentance and get comfortable answers and forgiveness. These are really just the spiritual comfort of comics and novels because they cannot be achieved. All are reasons for people to continue to live happily.

Fortunately, it is the end of a warm ending. It's just that everyone can't successfully meet a monster that makes you grow up.
So, grow up quickly. Life is obviously still that long.


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A Letter to Momo quotes

  • Momo Miyaura: [last words to her father] You're selfish, and you're a liar. I don't care if you come back.