Why did the director change the ending?

Deven 2022-01-24 17:48:14

After reading the book, my sigh is, why should one imprison another soul who is pursuing freedom in the name of love?

What shocks and touches us most about wolves is that they are not free, or rather die!

The little wolf is dead. Although I am sad, I am not desperate. The wolf king is still alive. He is still alive in another place with those stubborn and tough lives. From the time Chen Zhen raised the wolf, I think he just didn’t understand the meaning of the wolf as a totem. It wasn’t until the little wolf frantically resisted for freedom and walked towards death that he really understood what the spirit of a wolf is, so he Will use a shovel to kill the little wolf. But the adaptation of the movie made me desperate. The White Wolf King is dead. All wolves with the spirit of wolf have never fought against humans, but the little wolf raised by humans is free. Is it true freedom? Did it hear the call of the Wolf King? It was let go. It didn't resist for freedom, it just refused to live like a dog. What does the director want to express? Is the little wolf alive the kindness of the screenwriter? Such kindness ruined the movie and ruined the spirit of the wolf! ! ! The expression of the spirit of the wolf is really bad. In the previous few games of wolf and yellow sheep, wolf and horse herd, people who have never read a book will only feel the ferocity of wolves, right? The scene of the death of the horses is indeed shocking, but it is limited to the shock of the screen. It does not reflect the spirit of the wolf at all. Only the suicide of the last two wolves and the white wolf king being exhausted by the jeep can still maintain the dignity of the wolf. That kind of spirit, but many people in the theater said that wolves are too pitiful. They said sheep are too pitiful, horses are too pitiful, wolves don’t need to be pitiful, and wolves also disdain to be pitiful, but the whole movie treats wolves. The only feeling is that my fucking wolf is too cruel, wow, the coyote is so cute and the wolf is too pitiful...

And why should Batu die? Is it just because his wife needs to develop relationships with the protagonist? This movie does not require the existence of love, and the adaptation is completely meaningless...

Regarding the theme of the prairie is the life of the world, the movie also expresses very weakly, and only through a few dialogues, there is no resonance.

The two stars are so bad because the director still let me see the prairie wolf up close and hear the wolf howling.

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Extended Reading
  • April 2022-01-24 17:48:14

    The story is inferior to the scene, the character is inferior to the animal, and the scene is inferior to the PR report.

  • Demarco 2022-01-24 17:48:14

    Feng Shaofeng's role as an ass? Although all animals are cute, but I still have to ask: Feng Shaofeng is a good ass?