This drama is like that!

Giles 2022-01-23 08:06:03

People nowadays are very strange, doing things, talking, expressing ideas, they all seem to be exhausted to prove their unique vision and excellent taste. It may be that in real life, it is too mediocre, and you can get less appreciation and recognition from others! Judging the preference of a thing seems to be to prove disgust and disgust, to prove like and like, hysterical stubbornness. I don't know any specific definition or theory of this phenomenon in modern psychology. Before watching the film, I was tempted by countless praises and shouts, and trumpeted a few streets of "Travel in Busan". In fact! ? In addition to using more blood plasma, the village is more cute, and it’s half a catty like "Travel to Busan". In fact, it sounds better called "Each has its own merits". In fact, although the two films are both zombie films, their presentation and focus are quite different. It shouldn’t even be compared forcibly. Are fried steak and braised sirloin comparable? They all eat beef! But if you want to say that one of them is Tian and the other is Shi, it's a bit disgusting. Some people even make a list of the slots in the movie by categories, which is so idle. It's just watching a movie, and it's not about eating on the street, there is no need to pick and pick it like a xing climax. In fact, to put it plainly, it is a kind of "forced pretence", and it feels like "Oh! I pretended to be so coerced with one hand before, and I have to finish it with tears." Excuse me! Anyone can pretend to be forceful, not your skill! But please don't pretend to be so disgusting! Finally, I’m sorry to conclude with "This piece"

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