New totem? Heart totem!

Salma 2022-01-24 17:48:14

In my impression, the word totem carries a unique and seductive mystery and worship. When it is combined with an animal like a wolf, it makes people feel so natural. The totem entrusts people's respect and admiration to the gods. That was the flying wolf of Tengri in the mouth of the herdsman, and those green eyes made my heart touch.

In the movie, Bilig’s father always told Chen Zhen that you are Han Chinese and we Mongolians. At first I saw that the old man was unfriendly and disapproving of those Han people, until I gradually came to the Elun Grassland through the movie, I knew What is the difference between the Mongolian herdsmen like the old people and these so-called high-ranking intellectuals of the Han? The herdsmen say that Tengger is the father and the grassland is the mother. The wolves kill all the living creatures that harm the grassland. Can Tengger protect the wolves? The old man even saw the natural survival laws behind this, and those Han Chinese who came to the east regarded wolves as a scourge, and they all wanted to get rid of them and hurry up.

After watching the movie, I know Chen Zhen is grateful to Abba, thank him for teaching him how to recognize wolves, knowing wolves, and even hope for the only surviving little wolf he raised. I am also grateful to him, because I don’t understand, so I always have wrong perceptions. Yes, because you don’t understand many things, there will always be wrong perceptions. If you understand, would you still think that wolves are a scourge? It shouldn’t be. My shock, gushing out, in the movie when watching wolves catch yellow sheep. The shot is very exciting. The wolves swishing in the high grass, like dozens of torpedoes sneaking through the waves at high speed, carrying the sharpest and most piercing fangs and the eyes of the wolf, toward the yellow sheep. Rush away. The old man said that he was impatient and unable to fight. The wolf who waited all night was about to start his hand. The world's opportunities are only for patience people and beasts, and only patience experts can get the chance. In wars, wolves are smarter than men. We Mongolians learn from wolves in hunting, siege and warfare. If you Han people don't have big wolves in the realm, you won't be able to fight. In a war, it’s useless to rely on a large area and a lot of people. The winning or losing of the war depends on whether you are a wolf or a sheep...

So it is not difficult to imagine why the nomads in ancient times were invincible in wars, and why our farming culture was vulnerable to a single blow? Perhaps it is the comfort determined by our own culture that goes deep into our bones. We don't have the blood and ambition like wolves. They all talk about wolf ambition. In fact, I think it cannot be said to be a derogatory term, but a commendatory term, because the real prairie wolves are like this. They are very ambitious, just like a small wolf pack hunting down a large group of yellow sheep. But they succeeded, they have the ability to complete and realize such ambitions. Some people may say that wolves are greedy and cruel, but even people who claim to be the primates of all things have inferiority, let alone wolves. When they see people in the book hunting and killing wolves for their own benefit, and finally causing ecological deterioration, they especially think To borrow a sentence from Rousseau: "You are all unreasonable people. You keep complaining about nature. You must know that all your pain comes from yourself." How can this not be shocking. My anger broke out instantly during the struggle for survival between man and wolf.

There is a scene in the film that makes people feel bloody and distressing. When people with different moods do the same thing and throw the little wolf together, we can only lament people’s disrespect for life, and we can only sigh people. No understanding of nature. Confucius’s doctrine of the mean can be reflected in the attitude of Bilige’s father and the others that they must not overpay the wolf pups. Man and nature must also abide by the doctrine of the mean, so that they can live in peace. But there are always two sides to things, just like some people think that Confucius is a wish, and this is a hypocrite, so there will always be people who are short-sighted.

This film shows us the thought-provoking stories that happened between a specific group of people and wolves in that particular era. Perhaps it is a common problem. In real life, people always like to magnify the ugliness, but ignore the beauty, and life is natural. good.

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