Super Frankenstein, the suspense film is not made like this

Jacklyn 2022-02-27 08:01:10

What did I watch for an hour and a half? ! A super Frankenstein integrating thriller, action, horror, romance, suspense, family, documentary, photography, furniture decoration, and car advertising! I can understand and support the original intention of female directors to increase the influence of female screens, but don’t force the male lead to lower the level of the male lead, okay? ! The male protagonist is so forceful that he knows the situation of the female protagonist. He doesn't have a B number in his heart when his wife is in trouble? ! Besides, even if you cheat, this heroine is also a murderer, right? ! Is there no penalty for killing a bitch? ! Besides, this woman wants to kill you too? ! A big man has time to cook for the heroine and has no time to perfect the plan. The interrogation is all based on watching DV (in charge of promoting the whole scene-DV)? ! Big brother, let’s have a snack. You should tie this young lady to a chair the first time you let someone run away? Sorry, I contributed the first bad review (*`Ω´*)v

Trouble the director to smooth the logic first, and then make the suspense film, it is impossible to stand up purely by emotion to promote the plot.

The suspense point of the whole film begins with the identity of the heroine, who is she? Did she kill anyone? Why kill? These questions are inexplicably turned to the male protagonist’s family relationship as the final answer, and the wife’s derailment is used as a rationalized motive and explanation for the female protagonist’s behavior, which is obviously not persuasive. The atmosphere deliberately created in the first half was destroyed by such an unskilled answer within a few minutes, which could not satisfy the audience's psychological expectations, and lost the essence and fun of the suspense film.

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Extended Reading
  • Bria 2022-04-19 09:02:53

    The theme of the secret room is a treasure, and everyone should have a hand.

  • Margarita 2022-04-20 09:02:31

    No secret room feeling