Original film review "City of God": A place forgotten by God

Guillermo 2022-03-21 09:01:10

If God gave people poor, that people back to God only non-stop violence
... - Jingsheng

story about it:

When the protagonist of a film, not a person's time, then the film everyone will be "Plaything", life controls every character in this movie, the "cowardly" Busca, the greedy policeman, the vicious and violent boy, the constantly changing city overlord, and all these are the life brought by God. It is the protagonist of this movie, and it is life that shows this city of God. The City of God is also known as "Lawlessness".

The beginning of the film is the opening of the climax at the end. The director’s trick is already very vulgar, but at the beginning, the scene of a group of street hooligans chasing and killing a chicken is really impressive. I think they are just killing people. Bar. Fernando, old man, you are so

amazing ~ The whole film is described for a long time. It spans three stages and describes countless characters, such as the young three heroes, Xiaodouzi, Benny, and Xiaodouzi become Xiaobawang, and Red hair, and some people you have been shot to death without even remembering their names, and in all these scenes, there is no mercy, the dead people don’t even have solemn scenes, just a flash past, and then a 7 The year-old kid was shot for violating Xiaobawang's regulations, and there is no close-up. It is not the cruelty of the director Fernando, but the city of God in Brazil.

Although the shots are complicated, fast beating, and there are many characters, the director is always good at handling these shots. When some key characters are on the field and events, they are always played back, showing the shots through different perspectives. One is that we are fast Under the film broadcasting, to understand the source of the story, on the other hand, the director must add the finishing touch. Let me tell you that every character and event is a big slaughter for the City of God.

At the end, the chicken came out again. We don’t know if the chicken died in the end. The director didn’t tell us. However, the chicken brought a climax of killing. The police, the bully, and the red-haired trio. The police arrested Hongmao Zhengfa, Xiaobawang bribed the police to exonerate him, and children killed Xiaobawang for revenge to dominate the city of God. Busca took all the process and became an excellent photographer and ended.

The whole film starts with the appearance of characters, the development of the story, the fight, and the massacre, combined with the unique music of South America, and the surrounding impoverished scenes-sand, houses, and tatters. The overall structure amazes you, the director's grasp of the city of God.

The Guardian's critic quoted sentence:. "A run, do not go to the theater with, this is what I can say,"

City of God VS Hell

city such a crime, call City of God (God city). It's incredible, I didn't understand it at first, but when I watched the entire film, I actually said: "oh My God". I think this is the reason. In this film, although people, young and old, are in violence, or those poor people in the city endure violence, each of them is waiting for God’s salvation, but The miracle of Noah's Ark did not appear. In this purgatory-like city seen by outsiders, in fact everyone is a believer with God, longing for God's salvation or giving strength. When the young three heroes were wanted, they said: "Trust in God." Before the bully ruled, he also went to the gods to pray, so this is the real city of God... the city waiting for the coming of God.

About the photographer Buska’s "cowardly"

Buska is the only city in this film that he has personally visited Every corner, character, crime and killing person in every corner of the game, and he is also the only person who is not polluted. I think God is with him. This is also because he has a pair of artistic eyes to examine every detail. Was he cowardly? When he was very young, he said that I didn’t want to be a policeman or a criminal because I would be shot. One detail, he was brave at that time, so I put quotation marks on his cowardice. The hero is not to make people scared, but to make people feel valuable.

About the rise of Xiaobawang

Xiaobawang’s original name was Xiaodouzi. His elder brother was Amao, one of the three young heroes. He had been violent since childhood, so his mind was distorted, so the first time he killed someone was on his brother’s During the crime, unfortunately, he transferred the crime to Amao, and then he ran away, and with his friend Benny began to rob, kill, and work hard to make money. Finally, he returned to the City of God to dominate and changed his name to Xiao Bawang. He started drug trafficking, occupied and shot all drug trafficking sites and leaders, and became the master of the city. Only Benny's friend Hong Mao escaped. Later, because Xiaobawang was good at governance, there was no robbery or shooting in the city, and the City of God became the safest place for drug trafficking. Everyone went to trade here, and Xiaobawang gained a lot of wealth. But he is far from knowing that the city of the Lord is a place forgotten by God. People here have not learned to be humble, tolerant and tolerant, but what they learn is desire, in the end. He was still shot by several children.

Regarding the kind-hearted

man Benny Benny is known as the most heart-warming and coolest gangster in the City of God. He delivered drugs and please drink alcohol, saving many lives, but he happened to be the best friend of Xiaobawang and he is the most trusted by Xiaobawang Brother, but he has the shadow of God on his body. Perhaps he is also redeeming himself. He is also learning benevolence. Finally, when he decides to wash his hands in the golden basin, he is killed by mistake. I was thinking that he finally redeemed himself this time, because even though he withdrew, his body was still filthy. Why don't you go to God to make atonement? At least the people in the City of God admire him and will not go to hell.

The charm of the city of God is that we are always suppressing violence, but we often don’t analyze what’s behind the violence. Everyone has a God in their hearts, but their life experiences have allowed them to shape different Gods, thus forming their personality, desires, and desires. His own God helps them. The bully has experienced killing, so he longs for God to help him dominate, Buska has experienced crime, so he longs for God to help him make a living, Benny has experienced sin but longs for himself, so he longs for God to help him out, and the police longs for wealth , So they longed for God’s help in capturing criminals and thus obtaining bribes.

You have experienced so much, and what do you desire, then what will God bring to you? And everything exists in what you think of God...

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Extended Reading
  • Wendell 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    Black people are committing crimes. Their sins always have a touch of mythology in their youthful faces and tropical colors.

  • Cassandra 2022-03-23 09:01:11

    No matter fighting, earning a living, or looking for fun, they have enough energy. They do it when they think of it. They are always energetic and explosive. They don’t know what is called fatigue and sub-health. No matter how bad the situation is, they must win their own place. , Must declare their existence. Rio de Janeiro’s sun is fierce, dusty, and social order is chaotic. It is an active volcano. People with dark fire of life have no chance and no right to survive.

City of God quotes

  • Zé Pequeno: Can you read?

    Gang Member: I can read only the pictures.

  • [after seen his pictures printed in the front page of the news by mistake]

    Buscapé: Fuck... I'm dead!

    [cut to slum]

    Zé Pequeno: What's the name of that friend of yours who took this pictures?

    Thiago - Tiago: Buscapé.

    [Enjoying the pictures]

    Zé Pequeno: Buscapé! The guy is good!