These 4 thieves are stupid enough

Dustin 2021-10-13 13:07:04

It was designed in advance that it was poisoned and ambushed under the floor, and the result was all killed. Their target was only one bounty hunter. They only had to look at the window, and the two ambush by the door, waiting for the bounty hunter. Come in, biu~~biu~~biu, rescue the girl, negotiate with other people, everyone is in peace, go their own way, not OK

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Extended Reading
  • Moshe 2022-03-26 09:01:01

    Does Quentin have any childhood shadows? Why do you like to explode other people's chickens and eggs so much?

  • Elvie 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    70mm special screening is so beautiful! I finally saw it on the last day, and it was as happy as a holiday! Overture and interception are very interesting existences~ The first half feels a little slow but the tension of convo is very good. After the midfielder returns, the second half is the familiar Quentin black humor. The sense of theatrical stage is strong, but the language of the film has not lost its luster. A capital cool!

The Hateful Eight quotes

  • Major Marquis Warren: [to Joe Gage, Bob and Oswaldo] It's the stew that's got me thinking.

    [to Bob]

    Major Marquis Warren: Now how long did you say Minnie's been gone, a week?

    Bob: Si.

    Major Marquis Warren: You see, my mama used to make stew and it always tasted the same, no matter to me. There was another fella on the plantation, Uncle Charley, he made stew, too. And like my mama, I ate his stew from the time I was a whipper 'till I was a full-grown man. And no matter to me, it always tasted like Uncle Charley's stew.


    Major Marquis Warren: Now I ain't had Minnie's stew in like six months, so I ain't no expert...

    [Warren points towards the pot of stew]

    Major Marquis Warren: But that damn sure is Minnie's stew. So if Minnie is on the northside just visiting her mama for a week, how'd she make the stew this morning? And this...

    [Warren touches Sweet Dave's chair]

    Major Marquis Warren: This is Sweet Dave's chair. When I sat in it earlier, I couldn't believe it. Nobody sits in Sweet Dave's chair. This may be Minnie's place, but this is damn sure Sweet Dave's chair. And if he went to the northside, I'm pretty goddamned sure this chair'd be going with him.

    [Warren starts taking the blankets and skins off of the top of the chair, revealing a huge blood stain soaked underneath]

    Sheriff Chris Mannix: [to Warren] What's in the chair?

    Major Marquis Warren: Just what I thought. Sweet Dave's goddamn blood!

  • Major Marquis Warren: [interrogating Bob about Minnie's whereabouts] How long did you say you was working with Minnie?

    Bob: Four months...

    Major Marquis Warren: Hmm. See, if you would have been here two and a half years ago, you'd know about that sign that used to hang up over the bar. Minnie ever mention that to you?

    Bob: No.

    Major Marquis Warren: You wanna know what that sign said, Senior Bob? "No Dogs or Mexicans Allowed." Minnie hung that sign up the day she opened this haberdashery, and it hung over that bar every day until she took it down a little over two years ago. Know why she took it down? She started letting in dogs. Now Minnie like just about everybody, but she sure don't like Mexicans. So when you tell me Minnie went to the northside to visit her mama, well, I find that highly unlikely. But okay, maybe...


    Major Marquis Warren: But when you tell me Minnie Mink took the haberdashery, the most precious thing to her in the whole world, and left it in the hands of a goddamn Mexican? Well, that's what I meant in the barn when I said that sure don't sound like Minnie. Now I am calling you a liar, Senor Bob...


    Major Marquis Warren: And if you're lying, which you are, then you killed Minnie...

    [Warren suddenly shoots Bob in the chest]

    Major Marquis Warren: And Sweet Dave!

    [Warren shoots Bob again. Bob falls to the floor dead. Warren walks over to Bob's body with his two guns and shoots his head off]

    Major Marquis Warren: Two measly bullets and there goes Senor Bob!