God killer screenwriter, you killed a business wizard!

Margarette 2021-12-07 08:01:06

Of course, of course. Boyfriend is bursting!
Of course, of course, sloths are funny!
But, is it true that I am the only one who is not satisfied with the ending?

Let's take a look.
The fox and his partner (what kind of animal is that) went to the elephant ice cream shop and bought an oversized popsicle at a cost of $15.
In this matter, the elephant had a prejudice against him and refused to sell him, but he did not falsify.
Then they melted the big popsicles, made super cute paw popsicles,
and stayed on the way the hamsters must go from work.

The fox did:
1. Obtain the price difference between elephant ice pops and hamster ice pops (the so-called arbitrage space)
2. Strengthen the packaging of the product-the ice pops in the elephant shop are silly and black, but how cute the small claw pops are. Don’t you want to come here?
3. The correct marketing location-hamsters must go on the way after work
4. Accurate positioning of target users-hamsters are herd animals, the first hamster is attracted by popsicles, the next row will be fine Selling
5. Reuse of surplus value-selling timber to the construction site (this is a little bit of cheating, and the flaws are not concealed.) The

final profit is.
The fox gave it to his partner (what kind of animal is that?).
Even if the fox and the partner were divided into 50 to 50 dollars, the profit would be 80 dollars,
80/15=5.33 times. 533.33% of daily chemical income! ! !
Genius! ! ! !

Do you have the heart to let such a business genius become a policeman? ! ! !

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Extended Reading
  • Randi 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    Beautiful crying! But the sloth is going to be red, not happy!

  • Hellen 2021-10-20 18:59:41

    Super~~~~~~~~~~ cute. My big eyes make me look like it's gone. When I think that the fox and the rabbit may have an emotional scene in the future, I just hhhhhhhh. That long-eared fox and the group of Erha wolves are my laugh! ! !

Zootopia quotes

  • Judy Hopps: [sighs] Why did I think I could make a difference?

    Stu Hopps: Because you're trier, that's why.

    Bonnie Hopps: You've always been a trier.

    Judy Hopps: Oh, I tired, and it made life so much worse for so many innocent predators.

    Stu Hopps: [horn honks] Oh, not all of them. Speak of the devil, right on time.

    Judy Hopps: Is that Gideon Grey?

    Stu Hopps: Yep, it sure is. We work with him now.

    Bonnie Hopps: He's our partner, and it never would have considered it, had you not opened our minds.

    Stu Hopps: That's right. I mean, Gid's turned into one of the best pastry chefs in the Tri-Burrows.

  • Judy Hopps: Gideon Grey, I'll be darned.

    Gideon Grey: Hey Judy, I'd just like to say I'm sorry for the way I behaved in my youth. I had a lot of self-doubt, and it manifested itself in the form of unchecked rage and aggression. I was a major jerk.

    Judy Hopps: Oh, I know a thing or two about being a jerk.

    Gideon Grey: Anyhow, I brought y'all these pies.

    Stu Hopps: Hey kids, don't run through that midnicampum holicithias.

    [the kids stop and say 'Whoa!']

    Gideon Grey: Well, now there's a $4 word, Mister H. My family always just called them night howlers.

    Judy Hopps: I'm sor- What did you say?

    Stu Hopps: Oh, Gid's talking about those flowers, Judy. I use them to keep the bugs off the produce, but I don't like the little ones going near them on account of what happened to your Uncle Terry.

    Bonnie Hopps: Yeah, Terry ate one when we were kids, and went completely nuts.

    Stu Hopps: He bit the dickens out of your mother.

    Judy Hopps: [a realization comes to Judy] A bunny can go savage.

    Bonnie Hopps: Savage? Well, that's a strong word, but it did hurt like the devil.

    Stu Hopps: Well, sure it did! There's a sizable divot in your arm, I'd call that savage.

    Judy Hopps: [another realization comes to Judy] Night howlers aren't wolves, they're flowers! The flowers are making the predators go savage!

    Judy Hopps: [Judy gasps] That's it! That's what I've been missing! Oh, keys! Keys, keys, keys, come on, hurry!

    Judy Hopps: [Stu tosses the pick-up's keys to Judy] Oh, thank you, I love you, bye!

    Stu Hopps: [Judy drives off in the pick-up] You catch any of that, Bon?

    Bonnie Hopps: Not one bit.

    Gideon Grey: Oh, that makes me feel a little bit better, I thought she was speaking in tongues or something.