Can't write. move over

Cale 2022-01-26 08:17:47

I watched it all the way... If I was 6 or 7 years old, I might be more addicted. At that time, I liked this kind of film on the Science and Education Channel the most [I like it now], but I haven't seen the full episode. Maybe this is why high school likes geography and it is also an advantageous subject, and the three science subjects look at biology a little bit in the past? "Everything is animistic and beautiful" seems like the only word I can come up with. "Survival of the fittest" proves that all beings in the natural world experience ups and downs, competition, and reproduction in the circular biological chain. Whether it is tigers, crocodiles, polar bears, whales, or the most common flowers, birds, insects, and fish, they all exercise their due responsibilities. As a mother, nurture the cubs; as a father, hunt for food (papa penguin is too cute to take care of the little penguins!); as a leader, the hard antlers symbolize the nobleness of the king; as an ordinary member of the family, he is also struggling for survival. It's hard to imagine that it was filmed in 2006. What is the difference between it and the current nature documentaries under the high-definition lens? none. Probably all take this series as a precedent, the BBC really is the father. 6 is too much. Especially after watching the last episode of Deep Sea, I was really shocked, the funds are burning hahahaha, but if it wasn't for their careful and persistent records, I wouldn't have the chance to learn about the thousands of creatures on this beautiful planet. Too high posture. It is also a very neutral point of view for human bystanders. It is a very different experience to overlook all beings from the perspective of God, and it is no longer an immersive plot movie perception. I love bbc dad! ! I want to continue chasing others 5555 I regret not watching it sooner!

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  • Vivian 2022-03-22 09:01:40

    There is such a documentary in the world, every time I watch it, I am full of inner cows, and I am full of energy. . . David Attenborough is amazing!

  • Ferne 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    After searching for a long time, I actually downloaded a CCTV dubbed version. After watching it, I found that Central 9 was broadcasting...