"little Prince"

Gudrun 2022-02-26 08:01:37

The 1974 film, in the age of underdeveloped science fiction production, can make such a real fairy tale with innocence, which is really surprising. The original book of "The Little Prince", although I have heard clips before, but I haven't read it. I watched the movie directly tonight and found that it was so different from the established impression.

The little prince has three knee-high volcanoes and three baobab trees. He is the only one on the planet. Every day he carefully cleans the volcanoes and lives alone year after year. Suddenly one day, a seed landed on this planet and a beautiful rose grew. The little prince watered her every day, screened her at night, and covered her with a glass cover in winter. "I'm too young to even know how to love her," thought the little prince. In order to take better care of the roses, he decided to temporarily leave the planet and go to the universe to learn the knowledge of life. He flew to the first planet. The owner of the planet was a king who was strict with himself. Faced with the little prince's questions about the borders of the country, he blindly attacked the prevarication, saying that the little prince was just a child, a stupid child who didn't understand anything. The little prince came to the second planet and met a selfish ghost who wanted to take the stars as his own; the third planet saw an arrogant pseudo-historian; the fourth planet saw a "self-proclaimed" "General" soldiers, all of whom display the self-righteousness of adults and the ignorance of hitting children for psychological superiority. Finally, the little prince came to the earth. In the vast Sahara desert, the little prince flew away to the white dove, unable to return to his planet. He meets a pilot who is forced to descend due to a malfunction. From puzzled to understanding to becoming friends, they sang, chatted, searched for water, and told the pilot about their encounters on Earth.

At first, he encountered a desert poisonous snake, and its poisonous tongue deceived the little prince. As long as he was bitten by it, he could go to any beautiful, warm and beautiful planet in the universe. The little prince believed it. The little prince came to a garden where she found thousands of roses. "I thought my rose was unique, but it turned out to be just an ordinary one," he wept sadly. Later he met a fox and the fox said: "To me you are just a little boy, just like thousands of other little boys. I don't need you. You don't need me either. To you I'm also just a fox, not different from thousands of other foxes. But if you tame me, we'll need each other. To me, you're unique in my world I'm the only one in your world to you. If you tame me, my life will be full of sunshine" "Do you want me to tame you?" "If you say you come at four o'clock in the afternoon, from At three o'clock I began to feel happy, and the more the time drew nearer, the more happy I became." Time passed, and the little prince tamed the little fox. "I think it's time for me to go, but now I feel I have a duty to you," said the little prince. "I don't like bread, and wheat is useless to me. But you have blond hair. When you tame me In the future, this will be a very wonderful thing! The color of the wheat is also golden yellow, it will remind me of you." Until then, the little prince finally understood that his roses themselves were very ordinary, but because of his own irrigation, Make her different and become a unique rose in the world. The little prince finally learned how to love his rose, and the pilot pondered. He recalled the picture of a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant that he drew as a child, and all the grown-ups laughed at it as just a stupid hat. So, from then on, he lost the possibility of becoming a famous painter. All adults were once children, and when they grow up, they seem to forget. When the film was 1/3, I suddenly thought that maybe the image of the little prince is a reflection of the pilot's childhood. In the desert, the monologue between the two of them can be understood as: it is the psychological analysis of the adult self and the stifled childhood self. This is a reflection in the movie, and outside the movie, maybe each of us was once a little prince, we also irrigated such a rose and trained such a fox. After irrigation and domestication, it becomes the one and only one. What about now? When we grow up, do we still have such a pure heart to irrigate a flower and tame a fox? This movie, I think I will do it twice. Although I had a hunch that it was inevitable that the little prince would be bitten to death by a poisonous snake in the end, when I actually saw it, it still made me feel so uncomfortable! ——2019.6.5 Rainy Night in Suizhou

I like this movie so much, I'm crying?

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Extended Reading
  • Hal 2022-04-21 09:03:29

    One star is given to respect the original work, and one star is given to the actor Zhengtai. Anthropomorphism is ok, but letting an old woman and an old man play the role of the rose fox and Xiao Zhengtai's love and messing around doesn't make people smashed.

  • Ena 2022-04-21 09:03:29

    Can't outline the little prince in my heart and it's Stanley Dornan's musical style

The Little Prince quotes

  • The Little Prince: It's not a matter of yes Prince to you is it?

  • The Little Prince: Somewhere my flowers up there. It's a flower and in one moment all the stars will go dark.