Too much political correctness

Bernhard 2022-01-28 08:32:49

There are too many restraints in Western dramas, the imposed aura of humanity, father and daughter, husband and wife, comrades in arms, family, enemy and self, atonement, acceptance, suspicion, psychological trauma, too many emotional entanglements to dilute the tense spy war plot, and finally black people are introduced role. I don't know what elements of political correctness will be added without the blessing of the original story in the second season.

In fact, I still miss those old dramas with simple plots, pure genres, and less comprehensive ones. Or in other words, pack less.

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Extended Reading
  • Keith 2022-03-20 09:03:04

    In my lifetime, murder cp! Joe is so dead! Still saved by lindon! The plot is too bland.

  • Dolly 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    It is considered that the original expansion was written in flesh and blood. The problem is that the original story is not very good.