I give 100 points out of 5 points

Tod 2022-01-25 08:04:46

This is how 2019 Oscar does not accept any rebuttals. Thank you

In the still of the night in the opening movie In the still of the night in the ending movie The essence of three and a half hours is not a second to waste

I’m sorry I’m going to blow up this divine work. In my heart, Irishman is already on par with the godfather and the United States.

Do you know who I like best to watch the whole movie?

Not Frank or Russel but Jimmy, he is the most bloody character

Share the moment of laughter

And the scene where Jimmy and Tony Pro spray each other makes me laugh to death

Tony PRO: Can you believe this weather, Frank? It's 85 degrees outside.

Tony PRO: People freezing to death in New York, and look at us.

Tony PRO: I don't know why we don't live here year-round.

JIMMY: It's summer.

Tony PRO: What?

JIMMY: It's summer. People aren't freezing to death in New York. It's summer.

Tony PRO: To me, it's always 8 degrees in New York. I'm making a point.

JIMMY: You're making a point. Making a point dressing like that?

JIMMY: You dress like that for a meeting?

Tony PRO: This is how you dress in Florida? In a suit? For a meeting?

JIMMY: Anywhere. Florida, Timbuktu,

JIMMY: I dress in a suit. For a meetin'.

JIMMY: And you're late.

Tony PRO: What?

JIMMY: You're late.

Tony PRO: There was traffic.

JIMMY: Wasn't there traffic?

NOBODY: There was traffic. What do you want from us? It was bumper to fuckin' bumper.

JIMMY: I never waited for anyone who was late...more than ten minutes in my life.

Fifteen. Fifteen's right.

JIMMY: No, ten.

Tony PRO: Ten's not enough. You have to take traffic into account.

JIMMY: That's what I'm doing. I'm taking traffic into account.

JIMMY: -That's why it's ten.

Tony PRO: -I still say fifteen.


Tony PRO: Fine. We disagree on that.

FRANK: How about twelve and a half minutes?

NOBODY: The middle. Right in the middle. Beautiful.

JIMMY: More than ten, you're saying something.

JIMMY: R you saying something to me? [Looking forward to the cuteness of I'm Sorry]

Tony PRO: I'm here. It says what it says.

JIMMY: There it is. Where do we go from here?

Tony PRO: Well, what can I do for you?

JIMMY: I want you. I want you to endorse me... for you know what.

Tony PRO: Let's straighten that other thing up first.

JIMMY: No. The other thing is none of my business.

JIMMY: I can't do anything about your pension. I can't. Not with Fitz in there.

JIMMY: Fitz is in there. -You go to Fitz.

Tony PRO: -I did.

Tony PRO: I did. He said he'll take care of it, no questions asked.

Tony PRO: You wouldn't do that, but he will.

Tony PRO: I meant the other thing.

JIMMY: What other thing?

Tony PRO: You know.

JIMMY: I don't know.

Tony PRO: Your apology.

JIMMY: My apology? My apology for what?

Tony PRO: For what you said when you were eating your ice cream like some fucking king.

Tony PRO: That was an ethnic slur. "You people". Did you know what he said?

FRANK: I heard you had an altercation in the can.

Tony PRO: Yeah, "you people". That's what you said. Right, Jim?

Tony PRO: "You people". Am I beneath you?

JIMMY: Definitely. [laughing and crying]

NOBODY: Jimmy, come on.

Tony PRO: "You people" got you where you are.

JIMMY: Don't tell me that.

Tony PRO: That's your problem.

JIMMY: Your problem is you're a piece of shit.

FRANK: Jimmy, come on.

JIMMY: I asked for your endorsement.

Tony PRO: I asked for your apology.

JIMMY: Who the fuck are you to apologize to? Who the fuck are you? [笑哭傲娇的宝宝]

Tony PRO: I don't need this.

JIMMY: I need this? I need you?

Tony PRO: You need me. [Laughing and crying]

FRANK: Come on. You're asking for something.

JIMMY: The guy gets me nervous. He gets me upset.

NOBODY: Everybody's here. Let's have the fucking meeting. Let's talk. That's all. He's here.

FRANK: Same altercation youse had in the can?

JIMMY: Yeah, something like this.

JIMMY: We got to arm wrestling. He lost.

Tony PRO: I lost. You should see his ribs. [Laughing and crying refers to the time that Tony beat JIMMY in prison]

FRANK: Why don't you just talk about what you need to talk about.

JIMMY: What do you want me to do?

JIMMY: I said "you people". You want me to apologize for it?

Tony PRO: That's exactly what I want. An apology.

JIMMY: I'll apologize for it... That's all I want. ...after you apologize for being late... [笑哭]

JIMMY: you motherfucking wop cocksucker. [笑哭]

NOBODY: Jimmy, you're out of your fucking mind.

Tony PRO: I'll apologize after I kidnap your granddaughter, rip her guts out and send them to you in an envelope!

Tony PRO: Get him the fuck off! Come on!

JIMMY: -I'll fucking kill him!

FRANK & NOBODY: -Come on, Tony!

I think deep down Cocksucker wants to reconcile with Jimmy, but it’s a pity that both of them have too strong EGO.

This drama is so beautiful and the ending is also beautiful


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Extended Reading
  • Zita 2022-03-22 09:01:18

    The irony and flashbacks in irony are structural errors; the gang self-reported theme from "Good Guy" has been repeated repeatedly; the protagonist's lack of initiative in the plot means that the story lacks drama. In terms of expression, irony Limited by the flatness of the characters, the theme will inevitably be out of place, because the audience must face the improper identification in progress from a critical point of view; compared to the previous two works of the same type, the lengthy contemplative ending is of course superfluous.

  • Janiya 2022-03-21 09:01:21

    The threshold is too high to understand. The effects of cg special effects are not very good. I don't understand the age of the actors at all, and the timeline has been unclear.

The Irishman quotes

  • [from trailer, Frank sits in front of lawyer Bill Buffalino's desk]

    Bill Bufalino: Frank... Sheeran. Isn't that right?

    Frank Sheeran: Yeah, you said it right.

    Bill Bufalino: Uh, under the contract, management can only fire a driver under very specific charges. So, you ever show up late?

    Frank Sheeran: No.

    Bill Bufalino: You have any moving violations?

    Frank Sheeran: No.

    Bill Bufalino: Do you drink on the job?

    Frank Sheeran: No.

    Bill Bufalino: You ever hit anybody?

    Frank Sheeran: ...On the job?

    Bill Bufalino: Yeah.

    Frank Sheeran: I don't think so.

    Bill Bufalino: Alright, then, we have nothing to worry about.

    [Frank smiles. Bill taps his pen and looks at Frank in silence]

    Bill Bufalino: You know, I don't, uh... I don't care whether you did it or not. That makes no difference to me.

    Frank Sheeran: Yeah, I know.

    Bill Bufalino: I'm here to defend you. Right?

    Frank Sheeran: Right.

    [Bill keeps eyeing Frank]

    Frank Sheeran: Whaddaya wanna know? You wanna know if I did it or not?

    [they both laugh]

  • Jimmy Hoffa: You always charge a guy with a gun! With a knife, you run away.