1408 is a ghost movie

Thomas 2022-01-25 08:06:39

I think 1408 is a ghost movie. Of course, it is not a simple ghost movie with the main purpose of
scaring people. The ghost in this movie is a clever ghost. Sometimes the invisible ghost is more tormenting than the sudden appearance to scare you. The ghost in this film will not kill you directly. If the ghost wants your life, simple intimidation can sometimes scare people to death. For some daring people, use heart attack tactics to directly hit your most vulnerable place and make you lose your life. Desire for life, despair for life, and finally commit suicide. This is also a major feature of the film ghost.
Obviously, there is a ghost in the room 1408, and the purpose of the ghost is very clear. Whoever enters this door will die. Among the 56 people who died in this room before, there must be the same mentality and purpose as the protagonist. Yes, unfortunately, they were all defeated. Until the 57th person, a battle of spirit and will was launched with this room.
Mike must have been sober when he first entered the house. Weird things are happening on toilet paper, radio, windows, etc. I can't tell if it's a ghost or
someone is in the house. The story doesn't really begin until Mike confirms that no one is in the house, as a lyric sings on the radio. Famous last words really speak
ordinate the whole room, the mike hallucinations. From creating external hallucinations to internal hallucinations based on mike's memory, there is only one purpose, to make you despair
, lose your desire to survive , and do it yourself . However, Mike did not repeat the fate of the previous dozens of people. After going through huge mental pain and mental
torture, Mike already knew very well that he had entered the belly of a ghost and knew that it was impossible to get out. To die is certain, but not to
die of despair , but to die to defeat you.
Death is less scary at the end, when it makes sense.

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Extended Reading


  • [last lines]

    Mike Enslin: [on tape recorder] I've got you now, Katie. Oh my God. I'm not gonna let you go.

  • Mike Enslin: Is 1408 a smoking room?

    Gerald Olin: As a matter of fact, it is. Yes.

    Mike Enslin: Good, one less worry in the watches of the night.

    Gerald Olin: Care for a cigar?

    Mike Enslin: No thank you, I don't smoke.