what young people should be like

Kade 2022-05-12 15:33:41

Jackie Chan's image of a good man who can't be beaten to death has initially formed. He hates evil, fights injustice, is not greedy for life and fears death, and he is a knife to his friends, and the sunshine is cute.

In fact, the plot of this movie can be ignored, and the line of the heroine is also broken.

But the scene of kicking the shuttlecock was really wonderful. It is estimated that although the participants are not all martial arts practitioners, they should at least have some basic skills in legs and feet. The last scene of grabbing the gold bag is really dangerous...

The biggest significance of this film should be to educate contemporary young people what kind of people should be.

Don't be greedy for life and fear death, attach great importance to friendship and righteousness, actively participate in social activities, be strong in spirit, and be a law-abiding citizen by not stealing state property, these will never go out of fashion even now. And the people in the past were really simple, even the image of the wicked would respect the aspiring person three points!

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