"Lies are a lifesaver for humanity"

Vinnie 2022-03-18 09:01:04

Watching this kind of movie, I can't help but want to do a review and take notes.

I bought this Rashomon not long before the college entrance examination. It was for Rashomon, who had heard the name "one person, one truth" for a long time. I bought it and found that the story in the book called "Rashomon" was unexpectedly short. After reading it, I didn't know what to do. Yun, are you annoyed that your practice is so insufficient?

I chose to watch this movie today because I used a random number generator to shake it out. Hahahaha is also a kind of fate. The plot is very attractive. After a set of rhetoric, the truth gradually reveals some shadows, and the human nature and ugliness in it are even more revealed. Thoroughly, society is such a society

After watching the movie, I went to station B to search Muyu's movie reviews as usual, and learned that the movie "Rashomon" is "Rashomon" + "In the Bamboo Forest" by Akutagawa Ryunosuke (the translation I bought is in the jungle). I can't see the "extreme expression of lens language" he mentioned. After all, wow is a movie from 70 years ago, and the equipment and movement of the lens (I mean the equipment level without anti-shake) looks like today. It's all low-end and my practice is too shallow hahh

In the end, it rained and the weather was sunny. The woodcutter walked out of Rashomon with the baby in my arms. I also automatically thought that this was a hopeful ending, so when I heard Muyu say that this ending is open-ended, I really had a tingling in my scalp...enm me I think what he said here is particularly good: "The answer to this open question is like another Rashomon, and it is also a mirror of the world that every reader believes in." I remembered Ami's words: "A good work is beyond the author himself. (probably means)" That's it... Well, it really makes the viewers have endless aftertastes

It was a bit sad at the end of this movie, but it's better now, why is it, because the world is like this, undercurrents are still full of vitality?

"The world will be good?"

"The world won't get better, but it won't get any worse"

Having said that, I still love the world and life, really (*๓´╰╯`๓)♡

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Extended Reading
  • Israel 2021-11-13 08:01:23

    Can't watch it, can't watch it, the heroine is too ugly...

  • Zane 2021-11-13 08:01:23

    "I heard that the ghosts in Rashomon escaped because they were afraid of the cruelty of the people here." Compared to the quartet lies, the beggar's savage expression with a clear chest and awe-inspiring look at the evil made me chill. The last question in the rain made me cry. Poverty turns kindness into sin, lies force people to interrogate themselves step by step, and they are no longer qualified to hold on to the bottom line of right and wrong. Kurosawa continued a bright tail, really had to continue.

Rashomon quotes

  • Masako: A man has to make a woman his by his sword.

  • Tajômaru: [recalling staring transfixed at the man's wife] I thought I saw a goddess. At that moment I decided to have her, even if I had to kill her man. But if I could have her without killing, all the better.