A summary of the laws of time and space reversal, and the causal relationship at the end of "Telephone"

Danielle 2022-02-07 14:57:14

NETFLIX's new thriller "Phone" turns the concept of time and space reversal, playing a difficult end at its end.

The female killer of 1999 calls the heroine of 2019 and discovers that the reality of 2019 can be changed by intervening in what happened in 1999. People from different generations can communicate magically. This setting is not original to the film, but the twist at the end made me bewildered. Seeing a lot of people, I was puzzled, so I re-watched the second half of the movie, and pondered over the causal relationship at the end, so I will give you my interpretation here. Original ideas, original analysis, criticism and rewards are welcome.

First of all, I will show my point of view: the turning point at the end is the result of the influence of the message left by the female killer's phone call. She saved herself by warning herself that she would die and changed the future, which basically conforms to the logic and setting of the movie. Well, let's analyze it in detail.

In order to understand the ending of the film, instead of adding concepts that are not explicitly given in the film (parallel universes or quantum mechanics), I think it is better to try to analyze the existing settings first. There are two laws of how the future is changed by the past in movies that are particularly important to my own understanding of the ending.

The law of time and space reversal 1: Only the information conveyed by the phone in the film can change the future direction. Before the call of the female killer in 1999 reaches 2019, the future and the past move forward like two equidistant points on the same time line, 1999 is the cause of 2019, and 2019 is the effect of 1999. In addition to this causal reincarnation, the phone directly communicated two points in 1999 and 2019, allowing the female killer in 1999 to understand the future direction, so as to intervene precisely and change history. Before the female killer intervened, the 2019 timeline was based on the premise that no phone existed. After the female killer changed the future, the new reality in 2019 is also derived from the corresponding time point in 1999. For example, the heroine's father survived and made the heroine's life a lot richer, but this kind of deduction also does not consider the existence of the phone. of . So when the female killer changed reality again in 1999 with messages from the phone, 2019 needs to change again.

The second law of time and space reversal: only when the events that intervene in the future direction actually occur, the results of these events in the future will be updated in real time. In the film, the call between the female killer in 1999 and the heroine in 2019 was on the same day or even the same moment in these two years, which corresponds to the time points of the two. We found out that the first time the female killer changed the future, that is, the time when the heroine's father came back to life, was not when the female killer and the heroine talked on the phone, nor when the female killer decided to save him, but when the female killer actually shut down When the stove saved her dad. Even if the telephone has conveyed information about the future to the past, if that information has not caused the exact events to change in 1999, the future has not been changed. The film's precise control of time is reflected in the moment when the future is changed. For example, the female killer just wiped off the scarlet letter on the ground, and the scarlet letter in 2019 also disappeared at the same time, and the heroine was scalded by the female killer, leaving a scar. Live updated in 2019.

Words on the ground disappear as female killer wiped it off in 1999

If the above two laws run through the movie, let's try to explain the ending of the movie.

The ending of the movie is more complicated than the previous narrative logic, because there are more characters on the phone. In addition to the heroine in 2019 and the female killer in 1999, there are also the female killer who survived in 2019 and the mother of the heroine in 1999.

There are two parts of the phone call in the last part of the movie where the female killer slaughtered the visitor. According to the law of time and space reversal 1, only the information in these two parts of the call can change the future. One is that the female killer in 1999 had a brief conversation with himself twenty years later. This conversation was not revealed until the end of the film. It was to tell him that the heroine’s mother and the police visited him, and that he might die that night, and warned himself that no matter what How to grab the phone. Because the female killer was still alive in 2019, she lived that night in her memory. But she remembered that the heroine's mother had used the phone in the house, and realized that if her mother received information from the future, it might make the heroine turn around and change the future again, so she warned the young herself to grab the phone and not give the heroine the opportunity to continue changing the future. Chance.

The second part of the call is a few conversations between the heroine and her mother in 1999. The first time I received a call from my mother, the hostess was very flustered and told her to leave the female killer's house, but her mother, Zhang Er, was confused and didn't seem to realize the danger before the police hung up. When both the heroine and the mother were forced by the female killer into the upstairs room, the heroine encouraged the mother again and suggested how to kill the female killer. Although the heroine's fire extinguisher self-defense method didn't come in handy, it seemed to calm her mother down, and she began to resist the female killer, and finally fell downstairs with the female killer.

What's hard to fathom at the end of the film is how 2019 (or early 2020) has repeatedly changed in reality. Let's take a closer look at what changes were in the future at that time, and how they changed through the above two parts of the call.

Glass in hostess house shattered as mum fights female killer

After the heroine's mother took the knife with her bare hands, she was chased by the female killer into the room with a bloody knife. At this time, we saw that the heroine had cracked walls, blood stains, and broken glass in the room of the heroine in 2019. These future changes are new due to the mother's resistance, that is to say, the former heroine cheered her mother on the phone. , which prompted the mother to resist. According to the second law, the damage to the house that did occur during the resistance process appeared in the future in real time. And the bigger change in the future happened when the mother and the female killer fell downstairs. At this time, the female killer is still bleeding. Although her life and death are unknown, according to the change of the sudden disappearance of the female killer in the future, the greatest possibility is that the death of the female killer is a foregone conclusion at this moment (regardless of the follow-up impact of the phone call). At the same time, the heroine finds that the house has become dilapidated, because no one lives in it after the death of the female killer. Later, the heroine saw the surviving mother in front of her father's tomb (judged by the date of death), with the scars of the year on her hands, crying and consummation.

Female killer's house in ruins after her death

Of course goose! Of course goose! Of course goose! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The above changes in the future are all caused by the second dialogue between the heroine and her mother, and the first dialogue between the female killer and her young self has not yet affected the future. Because according to the second law of reversal of time and space, the dialogue between the female killer and herself has not changed the events that actually happened, so it has not changed the future . So, when everyone expected the end of the movie, the director suddenly flashed back to the dialogue of the female killer. It turned out that the female killer had a prediction of her own death, and this prediction changed everything. Then she woke up suddenly in a pool of blood, her eyes wide open, as if she had been reborn from hell. It was as if the fear of a future death awakened the female killer. The film does not specifically describe what the female killer did after waking up, which makes the resurrection here a bit vague. Maybe she bandaged herself to stop the bleeding and let herself survive. But according to the last shot, the heroine was tied back to the house, and the heroine's mother disappeared in the future, it can be speculated that the female killer killed the heroine's mother, and the young heroine continued to be imprisoned. Because the female killer woke up on the timeline, it took some time to imprison the heroine and kill her mother, so before these things actually happened, the future had not changed, and the heroine enjoyed a short time without the female killer. This is the key mechanism for the ending turning point not to flicker.

The nesting of these two time and space reversals does make the logic line at the end very difficult to find, but it also makes the story more ups and downs. In the contrast before and after the heroine's fate, the film explodes dramatically at the end.

Female killer wakes up in pool of blood

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Extended Reading
  • Demarco 2022-03-26 09:01:13

    Reversing too much doesn't make sense.

  • Merl 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    You said how shocking it would be if Jeon Jong-seo kept the young Park Shin-hye to raise her, and the adult Park Shin-hye woke up and found out that Jeon Jong-seo was her mother.