The end of cuckolding a friend

Anastasia 2022-03-03 08:01:28

If the editing is done in the normal order, then this movie may only have a slightly shocking reversal at the end, but the director's "crissing" editing method not only adds more suspense to the whole story, but also makes The whole movie is full of a sense of horror and inconceivable. The second male cheated with the wife of the male protagonist. The male found something wrong and followed his wife to the hotel where she had a tryst with the second male, and then called the male protagonist and said that he In the room opposite the room where the wife opened the room, and now he has been staring at the room of the wife. Hearing this, the second male panicked, because he was in the room, and if he appeared, he would be attacked by the male. The master found out, and the male protagonist was still carrying his own gun, but not long after that, the man who had a tryst with his wife was subdued by the male protagonist and tied to the chair in his wife's room, but why is he number two at the beginning of the movie, hurriedly Run into the hotel to find the male lead, who is the man tied to the chair, how did the second male disappear from the female lead's room, and the man tied to the chair by the male lead? Who is it. When the second male came to the hotel, he met a second female who had an intersection with him. However, the second male only had the wife of the male lead in his heart. Facing the temptation of the second female, he seemed indifferent. After the rendezvous was discovered, the second male asked the female second for help twice. What kind of foreshadowing has been laid for the following two requests for help? Although the family has a long history, there is almost no one now. There is only one old waiter who is working diligently in the hotel that he is interested in. The male protagonist uses threats and interests to ask the old waiter to help him. What will the old waiter do for him? The second man thinks he has washed everything away The guilt of the man was actually thrown all the blame by the male protagonist. This reversal, one after another, came like a flood of mountains and seas, which made people feel really enjoyable when watching this movie. In fact, the whole story is really simple. If it weren't for the "intricate" editing method, the suspense in this film would be much less. Sometimes the story is very important, but the narrative technique is more important. At the beginning of the story, the second man got out of the car and hurried into the old hotel. There was only one elevator in the hotel. The second man pressed the elevator button for a long time, but the elevator did not respond at all. In the end, the second man could only I walked up the stairs to the fifth floor. When I went up, I found that the elevator door was blocked by a trash can, so I never went down. There is a room 508 on the fifth floor, where the friend of the second male and the wife of the male owner lived. , A few hours ago, the man called the second man, the man told the second man that he found out that his wife was cheating with another man, and then he followed his wife to this hotel and opened One room, just opposite the wife's room, when the man came to the hotel, he checked the information of his wife with the old waiter. The old waiter had planned to cover up the past, but the man found everything subtly, and finally forced the old waiter to take advantage of the benefits. The room opposite his wife was opened to him. Before going to the hotel, the male protagonist went to the house of No. 2 Man, and took the gun of No. 2 with him. When calling the protagonist, No. 2 was still lying leisurely in the bathtub in the room of the protagonist's wife. , applied an ice pack to the injured knee, and when he heard the male protagonist say that he was opposite him, the second male panicked instantly. No. was not fooled. He asked the female lead to get the wine. The male lead and the female lead were in a panic in the room. The two put on their clothes, but there was nothing they could do. Finally, the male lead thought of giving the male lead a fixed line in the room. The male lead went to pick up the phone call, and the second male took the opportunity to run out of the room and press the elevator, but unfortunately the elevator did not come up for a long time. The second male had to take the stairs. When the elevator came up, he blocked the door of the elevator with a trash can, and then chased to the stairs. The second male was hiding in a dark corner. There was movement from the door of the room. It turned out that the heroine randomly pulled a man who passed by the door of the room, and entangled with him there. The man was stunned, then entered the hostess' room, tied the man to a chair, and covered the man's eyes with a towel. Although the second man himself had escaped, he was in a panic and put his own The phone was left on the bed. Seeing that the male protagonist became angry, the female protagonist wanted to explain to the male protagonist, but the male protagonist was already angry. The two were arguing. The male protagonist's pistol accidentally went off, and the female protagonist was accidentally killed. The second male runway, the third floor where the female second lives, and then go to tell the female second, let the female second give her perjury, saying that the two of them have been together tonight, and the male second said that he is Having an affair with the female lead, and then being discovered by the male lead, the second female lead was of course furious, "If you have an affair with another woman, let me do perjury for you, then what am I." Immediately, she rejected the second male lead righteously. , the second man can only go downstairs, go back to his car, pretend to drive to the hotel, and then try to take the elevator upstairs, but he finds that the elevator can't go down at all, he takes the stairs to the fifth floor, only to find out that it is an elevator The mouth was blocked by the trash can. The second male came to the door of the female lead's room and knocked on the door. The male lead let the second male in. Facing the man who was tied to the chair, the male lead was very angry and said he was going to shoot him to death. No. 2 naturally tried to stop her, both of them were earning pistols. No. 2, the female, felt that something was wrong and came up to ask. She also moved the trash can at the elevator entrance so that the elevator could go down. No. 2, the male, did not let the male lead answer. Instead, he answered by himself, saying that there was nothing in the room, but the second woman saw the blood on the hands of the second man, and began to disbelieve him. The second man sat beside the bed and found himself lying beside the bed. , then pushed the phone under the bed with his feet, and was glad that the male protagonist didn't find his phone. The second male protagonist persuaded the male protagonist to give up the idea of ​​killing the man, and then surrendered to the crime. Under the persuasion of the second male protagonist, the male protagonist also expressed his willingness to do so, and then handed the gun to the male protagonist, saying I'll take care of everything myself and open the door. Just after the male lead left, the second male took out the phone under the bed, only to realize that something was wrong. There was already a call alert on the second male's phone, and the call was from the male lead. That is to say, the male protagonist has long since discovered his mobile phone. The person who cheated with his wife is the second male. The second male hurriedly checked the pistol and found that there was no bullet in the pistol. He wanted to kill him before. Everything about that innocent man is just that the male protagonist is acting. All the fingerprints of the second male are in the room, and only the fingerprints of the second male are left on the pistol. , Because the male protagonist had wiped the pistol with a handkerchief beforehand, at this time, the male number two knew that all the evidence in the room pointed to him, and the male protagonist wanted to put the blame on himself. At this time, the police had arrived, and the male number 2 was in a hurry. She went to the third floor to ask the second female for help, but seeing the panicked appearance of the second male and the blood on her hands, the second female did not choose to open the door, and the second male was caught by the police. At the time of the incident, all the testimony of the female number two pointed to the unfavorable direction of the male number two, and all the evidence in the room also pointed to the male number two, and the old waiter of the hotel also chose to help the male lead. At that time, he said that there was no one living in the room opposite the heroine, and he also prepared a set of hotel attendant clothes for the heroine to make it easier for the hero to escape. Perhaps the heroine's sentence "You and I are the same person." took him. Finish.

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Extended Reading
  • Andre 2022-03-03 08:01:28

    Expectation point: There are few beautiful scenes, and handsome guys make people tangled; Process: pretending to play deep; Result: very pitiful.

  • Davon 2022-03-22 09:02:55

    Such a good movie is only 6,4 points