Push the young queen

Delia 2022-03-05 08:01:07

Pushing hard also gave me a new understanding of history. The two heroines were very well shaped. In those days, the unacceptable lingering, unblessed emotions, and the pursuit of freedom. When I saw the part where the Countess was going to explain to the Queen, I couldn't help but shed tears, the kind of helplessness and the heartache of worrying that my lover would be delayed by me. In the end, the queen's relief also responded that true love is letting go, the pain of being in a high position but not getting the love in your heart. This film is not simply to express the love between lesbians, but also to express the need for freedom of love in that era and in this era, and true love is not limited to men and women.

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Extended Reading
  • Kasandra 2022-04-21 09:03:36

    7 points. Domineering queen role, quite to my appetite. Speaking of which, I saw her tomb in the cathedral when I went to the Vatican before, so I went to find this movie. Sweden was also the No. 1 hegemon in Northern Europe. In the Queen's era, Sweden has made great progress towards scientific civilization. . But I still don't quite understand why she gave up the throne and turned to religion, maybe it's because of the times.

  • Carli 2022-04-22 07:01:54

    I was thinking about one thing during the whole viewing process: the heroine really looks too much like He Chaoyi. . .

The Girl King quotes

  • Queen Kristina: [eating hunter's stew] By the rusty nails of Christ's cross, this is delicious!

  • Queen Kristina: Et voilà! The humanists are here by the door. the stoics by the windows and the library of the humanist Grotius will arrive soon. Can you imagine? Forty-eight cartloads of books!