Look what's happening in poor Africa,

Federico 2022-02-28 08:02:00

I missed it that year, and I saw it today at Arte. At that time, I was inviting Fadi, my Lebanese classmate, to eat the Indian dinner I made: Indian yogurt + onion yogurt salad + Indian roast chicken. Saw the poor, thought it was in India, Fadi said where did India come from so black, saw the fish, saw the fish, saw the fish, the invasive perch that ate all the other species in Lake Victor, the perch that was sold to Europe, Reminds me of that movie poster. The result, sure enough. At the end, the Russian pilot who came here to transport fish said: "One Christmas, I shipped big guys from Europe to Angola, probably tanks or something, and then shipped a plane of grapes from Johannesburg to Europe, my A friend told me that the Christmas present of Ange’s children are cannons, and the Christmas gifts of European children are grapes. I hope that children all over the world are happy, but I don’t know what to do, and those mothers…”

Look what is happening in poor Africa,

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  • Jacklyn 2022-04-22 07:01:53

    Tragically, now that the Nile perch has become a species in need of saving in Lake Victoria, the tragedy of mankind is that the end is foreseen but unavoidable. It is said that Maozi's Il 76 is well-deserved, and he is really durable.

  • Max 2022-04-22 07:01:53

    The sensory stimulation of disgusting objects such as flies and fish bones... The accusation of "conspiracy" is clear but hesitant, and the "truth that cannot be faced" is icy around, like a nightmare creeping up on his back, unable to scratch or remove it.

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