it is not a sad movie

Stefan 2022-01-27 08:23:03

Yes, this is a sad movie. But none of us should feel sad about it.
I mean, most of us were born in average families,
learned to love our family in spite of their imperfectness,
fight our way out one step each time,
get up with a smile after every tumble.
Life is hard.
What can I say?
Most of us already heard each little pieces in our own personal life.
This is normal.
This is the way life should be, with sunshine and rain.
We are there to make it better for the people we love and the people love us.
We hope life gets better with or without us,
for the people we love and the people love us.

"Tonight I realized how lucky we were to meet that night .
I mean, in spite of everything,
in spite of living in a shit hole,
in spite of never having anything new,
in spite of never going on vacation,
you never complained once,
not once.
I would...
I would like to be better for you.
I love you, you know that?
Don't you ever forget that.
I love you."

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Extended Reading
  • Annetta 2022-03-21 09:03:17

    Beautiful vignettes.

  • Giles 2022-03-17 09:01:09

    In fact, I don't have a cold heart for small tender movies, but this movie still moved me. Beneath the calm lens language lies infinite courage and strength.

My Life Without Me quotes

  • Ann: Nobody thinks about death in the supermarket.

  • [Ann writes in journal]


    Ann: 1. Tell my daughters I love them several times.

    Ann: 2. Find Don a new wife who the girls like.

    Ann: 3. Record birthday messages for the girls for every year until they're 18.

    Ann: 4. Go to Whalebay Beach together and have a big picnic.

    Ann: 5. Smoke and drink as much as I want.

    Ann: 6. Say what I'm thinking.

    Ann: 7. Make love with other men to see what it's like.

    Ann: 8. Make someone fall in love with me.

    Ann: 9. Go and see Dad in Jail.

    Ann: 10. Get false nails. And do something with my hair.