What is RIFIFI?

Damian 2022-01-29 08:05:54

When I saw a huge RIFIFI on the yellow cover of the CC version, I thought it was not an English word, but all the RIFIFI in the English subtitles appeared in the original word without translation. I searched the French and Italian online dictionaries and there is no such word, and all the links under answers, google, and wiki point to this movie. I don't know if you have noticed, this film does not have any background music, only a complete song and dance that is very impressive. The song repeatedly sings RIFIFI, which seems to be a bit of a question. What exactly is RIFIFI?

I have searched many places, and the general clues are as follows: 1. Dassin’s own interview, he thinks this word is a word created by the author of the original novel, referring to the Moroccan Berbers, I went to google again, this group is a group of Muslim Arabs who immigrated to North Africa, and In the original work, the four robbers were originally of black African descent, and the whole book is full of racist ideas. One of Dassin's biggest transformations in the novel is "de-racialization", replacing blacks with whites, making the whole theme change from racial inferiority to rivers and lakes The correctness of Daxin's consistent thinking can also be seen in the film "You will always have to pay back when you come out." 2. Translation in the French context, some people think that this word appears in some slang, the literal translation "tough and tumble" may have two meanings, one refers to very macho and very gangster gang members, the other refers to very intense sex , think about the "Chicks want RIFIFI" that has been sung in the lyrics.

I think this second solution fits better with the theme of the film. From a structural point of view, this film is a three-part series. The first paragraph is "The Heist", which is also the most talked about in the film. It is completely Hollywood blockbuster-style curiosity, and the description of the details of the crime can almost tempt people. crime. I think this paragraph is completely in the style of American movies. A friend mentioned "The Red Circle" earlier. It is well known that Melville is a fan of American movies, and he also follows the rhythm of American movies (the original director of this film is Melville. ), similar realism follow-up or one scene appears in many Heist or con-type American films, such as "The Masked Thief", "Italian Mission", "The Thomas Crown Affairs", etc., until now The Spy: Impossible series, Eleven Arhat series, etc. are all in this way; the second paragraph is about "The Price", that is, the price. No matter what kind of superb theft technology or how perfect a crime is, it can only lead to a point of no return. It's a very morally correct fatalism (I've always felt that Dassin can really serve our party, and I can't find a single one of his films that is incorrect); the last paragraph can be regarded as "The Allegory" with a toy gun in hand An ignorantly happy child and an old criminal who is shot and dying, the lodging is clear. This symbolism is European style. I think the fusion of the two styles is the reason why the film is so popular in both Europe and America. Not many directors can do this. Just look at the A-list European film festivals awarded to a few of the best American directors.

Having said that, I think the song of RIFIFI appeared before the heist on purpose. It pointed out that "women love RIFIFI", men want to be RIFIFI, and even children want to become RIFIFI. The reason for this heist is that the old Jianghu with frustrated self-esteem feels that "men should do big things", which is similar to what Carl's woman said after the kidnapping of Carl's child in the second half, "You think you have done a crime to be powerful, In fact, those ordinary people are strong, and you are weak" is echoed.

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Extended Reading
  • Lonzo 2022-03-27 09:01:20

    The red circle does coincide with this.. The sense of fate is stronger... Tony is really handsome

  • Ona 2022-03-27 09:01:20

    The film highlights the flesh and blood of the three thieves, which is respected. The outsourcer Caesar betrayed Mario. Mario and his wife Ed would rather die in the face of coercion. They chose to protect their friends. Joe's son was kidnapped, and Joe chose to use money. After changing children, he finally took his own life. Tony saved people by himself and was seriously injured.

Rififi quotes

  • L'Age d'Or Showgirl Hostess: Hello, you.

    Jo le Suedois: Hello, kid. Sit your moneymaker down.

  • Jo le Suedois: Go play with boys your own age.