just say music

Bryce 2022-02-07 14:57:17

Sky Killer is as obscure and beautiful as ever. The empty tarmac, those large clouds, and the wind whistling past his ears, make people feel inexplicably lonely.

The beauty of the picture does not have to be accented in Oshii Mamoru's works, this is the theorem. Some people say that the contrast between the extremely beautiful pictures and the simple characters is the exposure of Oshii's world view, revealing the individual's vagueness about the world.

A story about the limited or infinite life, from the beginning to the end, the story itself is also an unbreakable cycle. And I'm afraid it can't be exhausted in a few words. If you haven't seen it, it's best not to reveal the mystery of the film here.

Maybe you don't like Oshii Mamoru's procrastinating narrative, nor do you like the style of painting that seems to be lonely, but the music of "Aerial Killer" is undoubtedly outstanding. It is the sound of heaven high in the sky. The creator is Kenji Kawai, a soundtrack master who is familiar with palace music. And "Ghost in the Shell", which has already become a permanent classic, is also the work of Kenji Kawai and Mamoru Oshii. Probably, their combination will also be as perfect as Hisaishi and Miyazaki.

From the beginning to the end, the music of "Aerial Killer" is divided into:
1. main theme_opening
2. first sortie
3. sail away(vocal)/ CHAKA
4. Foo-ko
5. main theme_memory
6. Mizuki
7. surprise attack
8. drive -by-wire
9. main theme_affair(harp)
10. main thema_Blue fish(orgel)
11. private sortie
12. second sortie
13. night sortie
14. March hare
15. Adler Tag
16. Krakow
17. main theme_affair
18. main thema_blue fish
19. final sortie
20. Teacher
21. main theme_ending

from first sortie to final sortie is also the beginning and end of the story. They sound a bit similar and slightly different, just like the mystery of Eternal Son's life experience, I think Kenji Kawai also had a very extreme understanding of the story of "Aerial Killer" when he composed the music.

The grandeur of the main theme_opening and the quietness like the sound of the wind can make people resonate with their hearts.

However, the final ending song "Tonight も星に hug かれて-" is sung by the sweet Ayaka. The feeling of loneliness and returning to the world is the most appropriate portrayal of the audience's mood at the end of the film.

The music alone is enough to see the dedication of Oshii Shoujo in the production of this time. I believe his story will not disappoint.

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