where are my nuts

General 2022-01-25 08:08:32

Laughing, smiling, laughing all the time while watching a movie. . .

That squirrel is still persevering to find his nut, and when he meets the sexy other squirrel, he struggles and ditches the nut, and the nut's heart is broken.

In the end he chose his nuts.

What makes me sigh the most is how sexy and charming the new little red squirrel turned out to be. He has ideals, pursuits, wisdom and means. He keeps working hard to get nuts and often wins.

But after being dazzled by love, she immediately turned into a housewife, focusing only on arranging the small home and taking care of some flowers and plants. Her original ideals were lost, she lost her thoughts when she saw nuts, and finally she became an abandoned woman.

Bloody reality.

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Extended Reading
  • Shannon 2022-03-22 09:01:29

    It's funny and funny, and it has vaguely added gender elements, and also, I really like the words of the three little dinosaurs.

  • Miles 2022-04-23 07:01:33

    It's my first 3D animation anyway, but just warming up for UP.. it tells me only Pixar is my love

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs quotes

  • Sid: I'm a single mother with 3 kids. I could use a little compassion.

  • Sid: Well, I see someone else who has a bun in the oven!

    Pudgy Beaver Mom: Oh! I'm not pregnant!

    [Hits Sid with stick]

    Sid: Ow! It's too bad. You'd make a wonderful mother.

    [Gets hit again]