Compare, 3 movies of the same genre in China, Japan and South Korea

Bernard 2022-03-02 08:01:44

The same type of film, the same subject matter, was shot in the same Asian country. After watching "The Sinking of Japan" and the earthquake relief film with Chinese characteristics, there is a comparison. Overall, I still like the Japanese one! !
Tell me about your experience:
just like the national characteristics of this country, this Japanese film is beautifully shot, clean, elegant, and exquisite, and the actors too, no matter what class they are, they are all dressed appropriately and behave respectfully and politely. , in line with the character's identity. Watching this movie is like eating a Japanese meal. Every side dish is so refreshing and pleasant, it is very comfortable to watch.
I don't know why, from the clothes of the characters to the way they talk, as well as the city buildings, including the sea, it gives me a bad feeling. It's like eating Korean spicy fried rice cakes. Together, although the taste is also very strong, the style is very clear, you shed tears when it is spicy, but it feels strange, can't tell what it feels like, it seems a little indigestible. In particular, I saw some classic elements of Korean movies: grumpy afros that are suitable for old ladies and middle-aged men, women who tugged at their hair and fought like shrew for a long time, and inexplicable brutality with abusive tendencies. Girlfriends, clown-like punks, poor quality soju in a small glass. . . Maybe it's because I've watched too many Korean dramas in the past. To be honest, watching too many makes people feel a little disgusted~
But even so, it's better than the main theme movies made in mainland China! Somehow people have moved me, made me laugh, and made me burst into tears. But what about you? To make this film, one is a political task, the second is a propaganda task, and the third is an educational task. What's the point of such a movie with too obvious intentions? As soon as I see the preaching faces of those actors and the "parent officials" who are righteous and strict
, I will lose my appetite~ So I can't eat exquisite Japanese food, I would rather choose Mala Tang, which may cause a bad stomach, rather than this kind of like Chicken ribs "Chinese nutritious meal" :P

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